Report Reveals New Threats and New Opportunities for Physicians in Private Practice

Today's changing health-care economy offers tremendous opportunities for physicians to build thriving private practices. But in order to benefit from these opportunities, doctors first need to overcome 7 common barriers.

Gaithersburg, MD, February 15, 2009 --( While many of today’s physicians are disillusioned with the future of their profession, there are more opportunities than ever to build a successful, thriving practice.

The problem, according to Dr. Jane Adler, practice-building strategist and co-author of a new report “Why Just Survive When You Can Thrive,” is that many of today’s physicians are held back by habits that may have been effective a decade or two ago, but are counterproductive in today’s health- care economy.

When doctors replace these long-ingrained practice habits with proven business principles, they are in a better position to recognize, act on and maximize opportunities in the health care marketplace.

“A medical practice is, after all, a business,” says Adler, “but far too many doctors are unaware of the few things they need to do to build high-performing practices. Most physicians in private practice are simply unaware of ethical and professional business principles they can use to put their practices on a more solidly profitable course – regardless of external economic pressures.”

Principles such as:

· Creating unique “Patient Value Propositions”
· Avoiding commoditization
· Maximizing return on practice-building investments
· Maintaining strong patient relationships

“Why Just Survive When You Can Thrive” details the 7 barriers that prevent physicians from thriving in the new health care economy. The 33 page report explains how by replacing these ineffective habits with proven business principles, today’s doctors can:

· Take control of the future of their practices
· Deliver the high quality care they and their patients want
· Gain greater respect and recognition
· Achieve the professional autonomy, satisfaction and quality of life they deserve for their efforts

The report is available for free download at

“With all the problems that our health-care system faces, financial viability of medical practices does not need to be one of them,” says Dr. Robert Karlsberg, retired ophthalmologist and co-author of the report. “Many parts of our nation are facing severe physician shortages, and the situation is projected to only get worse with our aging population. Losing physicians to financial insolvency and sheer frustration is not in our national best interest.”

Dr. Jane Adler & Dr. Robert Karlsberg are founders of, a medical practice-building and marketing firm, and are creators of the Guided Practice-Building System.TM For more information visit

Physician Profit Strategies
Dr Jane Adler