Apocalypse When? : Novelist Explores Society’s Obsession with the End of the World with a Novel That Spans Three Continents

British author Jason Michel has unleashed his dark and thought provoking first novel, Confessions of a Black Dog, onto an unsuspecting and vulnerable public living in the shadow of recession, terrorism and climate change.

London, United Kingdom, February 15, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Jason’s influences range from Blake and Jung to writers such as Harry Crews and comic writers such as Alan Moore. COABD deals with the questions of Religious Fundamentalism and a world going slowly insane, focussing on the characters that inhabit its bleak yet tender landscape.

The poet Adam Sandell, while writing a review for lulu.com, described the book:

“All his first person characters are intensely real, which is strange because they are all clinically manic and bi-polar. Their discordant interactions are disturbing, beautiful, and extreme. I suspect this man has spent time in an asylum or dealing with care in the community and seen beauty in the extreme. The normality of the abnormality is more than noir, it is a rare talent.”

Jason began writing the novel while living in South East Asia and continued through his life in North Africa and Europe, setting the book in places he has lived, from the rain soaked streets of London to the ex-pat community of Bangkok.

Thinking that the book might be too much for mainstream publishing to handle, he decided to publish the novel on lulu.com.

About the author:
Jason Michel has been turned on, tripped up and stumbled over all around the world on an eleven year self imposed exile. He now lives in the suburbs of Paris and wonders if that was such a good idea. He has had work published in remark, scarecrow, dogmatika, zygote in my coffee, triptych haiku, TGOOW!, straight from the fridge, laurahird.com, shoots&vines and others.

You can purchase the book online at:

His blog is at:

Jason Michel