Rockbridge Online Seminary Embraces Amazon Kindle as Alternative to Dead-Wood College Textbooks

Rockbridge online seminary is leaving the musty smell of old books in empty library halls, for technology that allows the library to be carried like a single paperback book. The Amazon Kindle provides real advantages for stateside students: books become usable and searchable for years. Even more important is the Kindle allows global students to instantly have their textbooks instead of waiting weeks for expensive delivery services.

Springfield, MO, February 16, 2009 --( When you ask Daryl Eldridge, president of Rockbridge Seminary ( ), about his Kindle, get ready for a splash of enthusiasm.

Kindle is Amazon's wireless portable reading device and, as Eldridge sees it, part of the future of online seminary education. ( ) Daryl Eldridge is president of Rockbridge Seminary, a fully online seminary that launched its first course in 2004.

Eldridge's conversion happened after his wife, the first Kindle owner in the family, gave him a Kindle for his birthday. He hasn't been the same since.

"I don't have to take four books with me when I travel. With my Kindle I can take a library of books with me," explains Eldridge.

"I have a collection of roughly 5,000 physical books, most of which I will never read again or even refer to," says Eldridge. "However, because I'm such a lover of books, I can't bring myself to discard or even sell the books, and all the while they gather dust and take up space. Now, I only buy a printed book if it is not available electronically and if it is a reference tool I will use for years to come. If a casual reading book is not delivered digitally, I'm no longer interested in it."

Eldridge's vision for Kindle goes beyond his own reading habits. He sees benefits for Rockbridge Seminary students too.

"We see the Kindle or similar e-books as the solution to providing books and other text-based resources to our international students. Because we offer fully online learning, students can study anywhere they have Internet access."

"But getting textbooks to developing countries takes time, expensive shipping costs, and prayer that they will eventually arrive." According to Eldridge, "In the future we want to provide all of our textbooks and resources digitally. The books will provided either through Kindle or through our Bible software ( )."

Daryl Eldridge is a president who likes to see vision become a reality. This term, Rockbridge Seminary's online Amazon Student Bookstore has a new addition – a Kindle store. Now students know which required textbooks are offered in a Kindle version.

About Rockbridge Seminary:
Rockbridge Seminary is a totally online theological seminary enabling students from around the world to earn degrees without leaving their current ministry. Rockbridge works with local church leaders to provide mentoring and leadership to its students. Rockbridge Seminary has been endorsed by such leaders as Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California. They can be reached online at or by calling 866-931-4300.

Daryl Eldridge
Rockbridge Seminary
Springfield, MO

Rockbridge Seminary
Daryl Eldridge