U Smile Radio Show Features Interview with The Nurturer’s Coach Hueina Su on blogtalkradio.com/usmile

Blog Talk Radio U Smile Show features The Nurturer’s Coach Hueina Su, a life coach, professional speaker and author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others. Su discusses what defines a nurturer, shares her personal journey in overcoming insurmountable challenges and thriving as a nurturer. As The Nurturer's Coach, Su helps nurturers practice intensive self care, create work life balance, and live the life they truly desire with purpose.

Denville, NJ, February 18, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The Nurturer’s Coach (TM) Hueina Su was interviewed by Lesly Federici at the U Smile Radio Show’s latest segment. Su is a renowned expert in work-life balance, stress management and intensive self-care helping people restore the missing peace and inner balance in their stressful lives.

In this engaging interview, Su discusses how she started her first career as a registered nurse, how she came to this country 20 years ago basically not knowing anyone and not speaking much English. She shared the challenges, lessons and blessings along the way that made her who she is today. The podcast of the interview is available at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/usmile under 2/11/2009 episode.

Su explains why she is called The Nurturer’s Coach (TM). “A nurturer is anyone in the position of caring for someone else, either in personal or professional life,” Su says. Some obvious examples are doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, service professionals, business owners, moms, and caregivers.

"I have been a nurturer all my life. In my personal life, I'm a mother, daughter, sister, ex-caregiver, friend, volunteer, and mentor. By profession, I am a certified professional life coach, author and keynote speaker specializing in working with medical professionals and other women nurturers," Su says. "With more than 20 years of experience in nursing, counseling, coaching, education, healthcare nonprofit, training and consulting, every single career I've taken on involves serving and nurturing others."

“I truly understand the challenges faced by the nurturers,” Su says. “I have overcome many of the challenges that the nurturers are facing and created the career and life that I truly love. I have been there, done that, and thrived! It is my passion and personal mission to empower the nurturers to practice Intensive Self-Care, create work-life balance, and live the life they truly desire.”

In the last part of interview, Su discusses her upcoming book Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others. She briefly shares with listeners the 7 keys in the book.

1. Stop, Drop & Roll Out of Overwhelm
2. De-clutter for Inner Peace
3. Fast Track to Calm
4. Opt-In for Joy
5. In the Moment Serenity
6. Practice Detached Involvement
7. Dare to Connect

Su’s book has earned many words of praise. “This book is a must read for anyone who is in the role of caregivers: nurses, doctors, home health aids, or anyone caring for a loved family member,” says Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching®, the best-selling author of Coaching is for Everyone. The listeners can go to http://www.beyondhorizoncoaching.com/freegifts/freebookchapters.html to read the list of preview and download a free chapter.

Su says creating a joyful, well balanced life is not a pipe dream. With clarity, commitment, action, perseverance and a little help from a great coach, it is totally possible. It takes a burning desire and true passion to live a life you really want. I’m here to serve the nurtures.

About Hueina Su and Beyond Horizon Coaching
Hueina Su, MS, BSN, CEC, The Nurturer’s Coach (TM), is a renowned expert in work-life balance and stress management helping people restore the missing peace and inner balance in their stressful lives. She is a professional keynote speaker, certified life coach, and author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others.

Su is the founder and president of Beyond Horizon Coaching, a global coaching and training company, specializing in providing solutions for work-life balance, stress management, and Intensive Self-Care through personal coaching, executive coaching, teleseminars, keynote presentations, team-building training, and other wellness services.

To download a free Intensive Self-Care Kit, and learn more about Su’s coaching, keynote speaking and training services, visit http://www.RxForBalance.com.

Beyond Horizon Coaching
Hueina Su
(973) 664-0446
Hueina Su’s full bio and additional photos are at http://www.beyondhorizoncoaching.com/mediaroom.html
She is available for interviews and can provide a list of tips and other articles. Call 973-664-0446 or email Hueina@BeyondHorizonCoaching.com.