RussArt Releases People’s CDN - an Affordable Content Delivery Network Optimized for Video

People's CDN stands between datacenter based solutions by CDN powerhouses like Akamai, Limelight, or Level 3 and P2P networks. It runs many small nodes utilizing extra bandwidth of residential fiber optics connections like Verizon FIOS or PAXIO.

Lafayette, CA, February 19, 2009 --( RussArt, a Silicon Valley startup, has released into production People’s CDN (

PCDN is highly distributed, being comprised of many small nodes. In this aspect, it stands between first tier CDNs and P2P networks. Each node is a NAS appliance, running Linux with Apache based custom software and housing a RAID of high capacity SATA drives.

Nodes are connected to Internet backbones via residential or commercial fiber optics hookups like Verizon FIOS or PAXIO with bandwidth from 20 to 100 Mbps.

Affordability, mostly residential deployment base, and profit sharing with node operators is what make it People's CDN.

The easiest way to highlight PCDN features is to compare it to a cloud storage solution like Amazon S3 with CloudFront.

With PCDN, content management is not based on some proprietary API. Instead, PCDN offers standard protocols including FTP, SFTP, SCP, and RSYNC. Thus, users do not depend on homemade clients, but instead use mature common tools.

Content is not organized in flat "buckets". Instead, PCDN offers a standard file system with subdirectories. Moving and renaming files is natively supported.

PCDN does not manage ACLs: everything is private. It is customer's business to authenticate (and charge) their users, and then serve them content via secure URLs.

PCDN supports file grouping, for example multiple parts of large video in file sequences like movie1-1.flv ... movie1-10.flv or folders like VIDEO_TS. Files in a group are stored and migrated together.

PCDN is fully transparent. Customers know exactly where their files are and can specify where they want them to be via custom content migration policy. Service comes not from some vague "East Coast datacenter", but from specific individually accessible nodes.

PCDN provides edge delivery without additional "edge caches". Highly distributed network of small nodes allows picking a perfect match based on content availability, network distance, and server load.

Last but not least, it costs less. Many small NAS appliances are cheaper than large datacenters, and low deployment costs are passed on to customers.

The first production client, Russian Movie Club in USA (, has switched from Amazon S3 to PCDN in just a few days. Videos from Amazon are still offered as a backup, which makes a great demo site, allowing to compare these two solutions side by side.

For additional information on People’s CDN or for a demo visit

About RussArt:
RussArt is a Silicon Valley startup, which works primarily in the area of online video delivery and movie portals.


RussArt LLC
1076 Carol Ln #10
Lafayette CA 94549
Oleg Sinitsin, VP Eng
RussArt LLC
Oleg Sinitsin