PURE Marketing Starts 2009 with a Bang

Monday, February 16, 2009 marked the Grand Opening for yet another new location for PURE Marketing. The newest market of expansion is Tampa, Florida. Adam Borger is the Operations Manager of the new location.

King of Prussia, PA, February 18, 2009 --(PR.com)-- PURE Marketing originally was founded on its expertise of promotional advertising for local restaurants, car care centers, golf courses, day spas, and comedy clubs. The company specialized in using incentive-based packages, VIP cards, and mini memberships to drive foot traffic into its clients’ locations. The company, led by Josh Woodford, founder of PURE Marketing, eventually broke into the Sports Industry—this created a ‘snowball affect’ for the industry leaders at PURE. Over the last two years, other industries have approached Woodford and his staff with hopes of being able to catch the wave of momentum that they had created. The largest industry to get involved was the Home Improvement industry; and one of individuals that took advantage of it was Adam Borger.

Adam is a Pennsylvania native, who spent much of his time after college working for the resort industry in Florida. After almost seven years of working in ‘Corporate America,’ he was unhappy with his career growth, or lack thereof. So, Adam moved back to the Philadelphia area where he stumbled across an entry level opportunity at PURE Marketing. At first, Adam was hesitant to take a chance with such an innovative new company—learning sales and marketing was way outside of his comfort zones, so it was going to be a challenge for him. He realized, though, that the reason he left the resort industry in the first place was because he was too comfortable and was not being challenged. After the initial training, Adam moved into and Account Management position in less than four weeks and never looked back. “He was one of the first people to embrace the test markets and the new industries that we started to work with. Adam is really one of the pioneers of the Home Improvement division of our company,” says Josh Woodford.

Adam followed up by saying, “It was never easy, but I learned that the easy way is never the right way, so I focused on finding the positives in everything and accepting the challenges that were presented to me.” It was that kind of attitude and determination that helped accelerate Adam’s growth through the company. Because of PURE Marketing’s ‘no seniority’ and ‘100% promotion from within’ policies, Adam was able to determine the rate of his own growth into a management position. Now he is back where he feels most at home—Florida.

“I couldn’t be happier,” says Adam. “It’s so nice to finally be rewarded for my hard work. I worked with the same company for almost seven years and never got promoted, but after only one year at PURE, I was able to move from an entry level position all the way up to an Operational Management position. Not to mention, February in Florida is a little nicer than February in Pennsylvania,” Adam said with a smug smile on his face.

PURE Marketing is positioned for their most successful year to-date. The company’s goal, according to Woodford, is to open up in as many as 7 new markets before 2010. To learn more about the company and its expansion you can browse the website at www.puremc.com.

PURE Marketing
Josh Woodford