2009 Creative Storage Conference Announces DataDirect Networks as Silver Sponsor

Creative Storage Conference is April 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. Strong Market for Digital Storage Projected and Speaker Submissions Close February 27, 2009. DataDirect Networks is Silver Sponsor.

San Jose, CA, February 20, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The Third Annual Creative Storage Conference (CS09) will be held in conjunction with the 2009 NAB Show at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas on April 19, 2009. Speakers, sponsors and exhibitors are now being solicited at www.creativestorage.org and conference registration is now open.

DataDirect Networks, Inc. (DDN) is a Silver sponsor of the 2009 Storage Visions Conference. DDN provides data infrastructure solutions for the most extreme, content-intensive environments in the world—including more than 400 broadcast and post-production facilities, the largest online gaming and music sites, social networking applications developers and photo and video sharing services. The company will sponsor the conference breakfast as well as exhibit at CS09.

Coughlin Associates, organizer of CS09, projects a 16X growth in annual storage capacity growth for the professional media and entertainment industry despite the current economic situation. The company will present preliminary data from a survey on digital storage use among media and entertainment professionals in conjunction with SMPTE. This survey is designed to determine the industry’s digital storage needs and expectations for the capture and creation of raw content, editing and post-production, distribution of content, digital archiving as well as digital conversion and preservation.

The final results of this survey will be used to create the Coughlin Associates report on Digital Storage for Professional Media and Entertainment. Media and industry professionals can participate in the survey using the link at www.tomcoughlin.com.

Media and Organization Sponsors of the 2009 Creative Storage Conference include Blu-ray Disc Association, Content Delivery and Storage Association, Davis Consulting Asia, the Diffusion Group, Fibre Channel Industry Association, Home Toys, InfoStor, MediaTech, NapkinLinks and the SCSI Trade Association. We welcome our initial media and organization sponsors for the third annual Creative Storage Conference.

Presentations are still being solicited for the 2009 Creative Storage Conference, submissions close on February 27, 2009. Please submit speakers/panelists at http://www.creativestorage.org/2009SpeakersCall.htm. Conference Sessions include Storage for Capturing Content, Storage for Content Editing and Post Production, Content Delivery and Digital Storage, Content Archiving and New Models for Physical Distribution, and a Session with Entertainment and Media Users. There are also two keynote speaking opportunities.

Sponsorships and exhibits are available for the 2009 Creative Storage Conference. Several levels of conference, web site and event sponsorship are available. Information on the sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available at http://www.creativestorage.org/2009SponsorCall.htm.

For 2009 Creative Storage Conference registration, visit http://www.creativestorage.org/2009Register.htm. We also have a block of discounted rooms at the conference hotel for the evening of April 19. To reserve your room please see http://www.creativestorage.org/2009Travel.htm.

For additional information on the conference call 408-871-8808 or email info@creativestorage.org.

Coughlin Associates
Thomas Coughlin
Organizer of Creative Storage Conference