New Book "Snake Eyes" Hits the Reader with Sledge Hammer Devastation

Cameron Farley left home and joined the Rough Riders to prove to his father he was a man who would stand by his decisions. Little does he realize an experienced hunter has joined this famous volunteer regiment. Does Farley have the skills to match wits and weapons with such a vicious predator? If not, he might end up on the Hunter's bloody knife too.

Orem, UT, February 18, 2009 --( "Snake Eyes," a newly released novel by the publishers at, hits readers with sledge hammer force wheeled by a WWE champion. Set during the Spanish American War, the accurate events surrounding the search for a serial killer will thrill those who devour novels of all genres.

B.E. Boldman fashions a plot into a readable and enjoyable journey which begins in San Antonio where the Rough Riders trained, hoping to travel to Cuba before the war ends. Cameron Farley, a central character, soon finds himself embroiled in a the murder of a quarter-master sergeant's who Teddy Roosevelt had listed as a deserter.

His commanding officer, the real "Buckey" O'Neill, points the young trooper in the killer's direction, not realizing the experienced hunter takes sadistic pleasure in punishing those he deems unworthy. Her psychological characterization of the Hunter pulls the reader into his ghastly origins and his sadistic/sexual killings the reader will have to turn on a light and pull the blankets up!

Here is an excerpt: "A guilty hand dropped from quivering flesh. Ashamed and embarrassed, ruddiness flashed over the boy's face at what he had done. He knew others who did this vile act got whipped by fathers. Temptation had encircled him like a snake, wrapping around a skinny, battered body until his hand had acted of its own accord.

"No, muttered the dreaming man. Blackness had once covered this memory as if his will was stronger than God's. An illusion. The light returned and with it came the echoes of anguished pleas."

This enjoyable fusion of realism with ghostly elements creates a new genre she terms "gothic history." Unlike most new writers, she does not burden her story with mundane facts or use dark mythic descriptions to make a gloomy spiritualistic farce.

Ms. Boldman's debut novel will surprise readers with its professionalism and its clear and concise descriptions in this superb thriller/action adventure.

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B.E. Boldman
Beth Boldman