Real Enhanced Decision Technology CTO Announces the Release of New IT Book: The Elysian Fields of Information Technology. A People Path to Technological Value.

This is to announce the release of a new and innovative Information Technology book for both Business and IT professionals.

Kelso, WA, February 17, 2009 --( President and CTO of Real Enhanced Decision Technology LLC, Mark K. Allen has released a new and innovative new book called, “The Elysian Fields of Information Technology. A People Path to Technological Value”. Real Enhanced Decision Technology LLC is based in Kelso, Washington and is a small software research, development, and consulting company. Allen's book is a 395 page examination of “real-world” Information Technology policies and practices. A 20 year veteran of IT, Allen tackles many misconceptions and challenges of this industry, and offers realistic people-based solutions that put technology into a more reasonable perspective with business. “Information Technology”' should be called, “Information People”, states Allen. He also adds, “Anyone looking to have a career in IT should seriously take a comprehensive Political Science course first”. Allen's book focuses on dealing with, managing, and understanding the heart and soul of Information Technology, which is personal and professional relationships, not just the technology itself. This perspective is brought forth via a simple and common everyday vocabulary that both business and IT people can understand, and is a must-have for all employees who are looking to exploit their company's services utilizing present and future technology.

Real Enhanced Decision Technology, LLC
Mark K. Allen