Concerned Parents Launch Convenient Resource for Finding Top-Rated Daycare

Locate top-ranked daycare centers and in-home daycare anywhere in the USA using a trusted service created by other parents who really understand the need.

Chicago, IL, February 26, 2009 --( While the concept of daycare information sites is not new, one web site recently launched by two innovative parents offers information and resources never before found through any other daycare research portal. was created by two parents who like many other parents, experienced difficulty and frustration when trying to find suitable daycare for their child. The site they developed is unique and inventive because it offers an abundance of comprehensive information that adheres to the needs of parents. That includes updated daycare listings, trusted content, and insightful ratings and reviews to support and assist busy, conscientious parents.

Daycare professionals also benefit from the site through greater exposure to parents who are actively seeking daycares in their area on search engines. They can upload images and provide extensive information about their daycare programs and encourage parents who use them to rate them on the site.

Features include, for example:

· A vast database that gives users instant access to details about daycare providers including current e-mail addresses, specific contact names, and daily hours of operation.

· Detailed information kept fresh, current, and trustworthy – and a user- friendly and lightening fast search engine tool conveniently located on the home page.

· Maps to daycare centers are automatically provided along with other pertinent search results.

· Parents can easily locate skilled and qualified daycare providers, and they can also proactively review daycare centers and daycare professionals who offer in-home daycare services.

· Read comments left by other parents who have hands-on experience with daycare centers, agencies, or individuals and contribute feedback in this interactive, easily navigated site.

Parents are busy. Most have full time jobs and can feel stressed as they try to devote the time and attention necessary to secure proper care for their children. They are even more aggravated by ineffective, unsuccessful searches for exceptional help, sufficient to match the important needs of their children. But now they have a free one-stop site that gives them everything they need and more, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Plus, it can all be accessed from the comfort of home or office through any internet connection.


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Finding suitable daycare is not an easy task. Most daycare sites are confusing and unreliable. Two concerned parents decided to create and share it with parents across the United States. The site provides comprehensive information on safe, reliable daycare centers and in-home daycares. Whether you are looking for child care now or in the near future, is here to help!
Top Daycare Centers
Ryan Lonergan