Online Marketing Guru Ann Sieg Trumps Her Previous Work with the Free Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto

The Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto will be released on February 26, 2009. It will cover Attraction Marketing in-depth and how to effectively utilize this powerful marketing medium.

New Port Richey, FL, February 26, 2009 --( Ann Sieg has been a notable online marketer for over 19 years. In 2007, Ann has shaken the network marketing industry with The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing, The Renegade Network Marketer and her Renegade University. The information she has provided to the network marketing community has helped thousands of people to be able to create an income from home without harassing their friends and family. Ann Sieg’s newest project the Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto is said to be her most powerful work to date and she will be giving it away for free on February 26, 2009.

Ann Sieg created The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing to debunk the myths of network marketing industry. Then in her book The Renegade Network Marketer Ann provides useful content on how to avoid the pitfalls of network marketing and how to market effectively to draw hungry prospects to any network marketing company using a step-by-step plan. Along with this came the Renegade University which provides a wealth of information for success online as well as a community.

While Ann covered the basics of Attraction Marketing in the The Renegade Network Marketer, she has decided to come out with what is expected to be the most comprehensive guide on this type of marketing. While others have come out with similar guides on Attraction Marketer before Ann Sieg, they have also charged upwards to $197 while Ann will be giving the Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto away for free.

The Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto is 74 pages in length and the contents are being kept top secret until the launch. While one can find a few slightly blurred screenshots the most that has been leaked out is the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents boasts such titles as Don’t Just Survive… Thrive, The Missing Puzzle Piece, Mass Communication Without All The Headaches, and Teaching Sells to name a few. Even the sign up page only hints at what is inside it states, "Here's Why Most Network Marketers Fail To Get Started With Attraction Marketing... And What To Do About It..."

It appears Ann Sieg will out do her previous products with the free 74-page Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto. The Manifesto will be available to the masses February 26, 2009.

It could very well help many people looking to get into the Network Marketing industry as well as those already in the industry to not just survive but to thrive. To get a copy of the Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto contact Sponsoring Success LLC.

Sponsoring Success LLC
Melanie Milletics