Lover's Lane Helps in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Lover’s Lane donated $2,000 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation and $1,596.50 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure for the year 2008.

Plymouth, MI, February 28, 2009 --( Every year, over 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed among women of all ages and races, that’s one women with breast cancer every three minutes. Women in the United States have a 12% chance of developing breast cancer, which is up from 5% in 1960. Regrettably, over 40,000 women die from this disease each year. Breast cancer, like other forms of cancer, has no known cure. The only thing a doctor can offer to a patent right now is treatment. That is why Lover’s Lane decided to join in the fight against breast cancer.

In the Spring of 2008, Lover’s Lane, a Michigan based company with over 30 retail locations, began their campaign “Bare & Wear For a Cause”. The “Bare & Wear For a Cause” campaign, which appeared in every catalog and on their website, promised the donation of 10% of the sales from their breast jewelry pages to breast cancer foundations. Sales for these items totaled just over $35,000 in the year 2008. True to their word, Lover’s Lane donated $2,000 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, where just over 79% of all donations are used for program expenses which include; research, education, and funding for free mammograms. Lover’s Lane also donated $1,596.50 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, where over 50% of all donations go towards educating others about breast cancer and research in search of a cure.

If you would like to help out in the fight against breast cancer, you can head to where you will find beautiful breast jewelry. Lover’s Lane breast jewelry is non-piercing and the average cost is around $20, that’s $2 donated to a breast cancer foundation. Or, you can check out a breast cancer event in your area. There are many different events that you can participate in throughout the year. The Susan G. Komen foundation has several different events taking place in over 450 cities across the United States, including the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and the Komen Race for the Cure.

Lover's Lane & Co.
Sara Friedel