Addiction and Mental Health:The Chicken or the Egg and Who is in Control of That Brain?
Tune in to, Health and Wellness channel to hear Dr. Benarroche’s interview on March 2, 2009 – and many other intriguing interviews. One Hour at a Time with Mary Woods airs Mondays at 3pm EST, with all previous shows available for download at any time.
Manchester, NH, February 28, 2009 --( Tune in to, Health and Wellness channel to hear Dr. Benarroche’s interview – and many other intriguing interviews. One Hour at a Time with Mary Woods airs Mondays at 3pm EST, with all previous shows available for download at any time.
Have a question or comment for a guest? Call 866-472-5792 during the show.
Dr Benarroche is a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He did his residency in psychiatry at the University of Rochester, N.Y and subsequently completed a fellowship in Psychiatry at Yale University. Dr. Benarroche was a faculty member at Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry for nine years where he was Director of the Transitional Unit at the Yale Psychiatric Institute and Director of one of the outpatient divisions of the Connecticut Mental Health Center.
He is a Board Certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, teaching, and research experience. He has been the Medical Director of Lifeskills of Boca Raton for the past ten years. He is also involved in clinical medication trials and has a busy extensive outpatient practice in Boca Raton since 1987.
He is also psychiatric consultant for the Florida Atlantic and Lynn University Counseling Centers and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Mary is the CEO of WestBridge Community Services. She is also a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor with more than 25 years experience in substance abuse services and community mental health programs. Mary has conducted extensive workshops and trainings with a primary focus in Motivational Interviewing, Stages of Change Theory and Integrated Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders. She is also a contributor to the development of the Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Practitioners and Clinical Supervisors Workbook and Practice Demonstration Video. Mary was the Chairperson of the NH State Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professionals. She has been a member of the NH Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor’s Association since 1984, and has served as the Northeast Regional Vice President for the NAADAC, the Association of Addiction Professionals, President of NAADAC and is currently past president of NAADAC.
WestBridge specializes in helping and treating those that simultaneously suffer from mental illnesses and substance abuse problems. We employ integrated dual diagnosis treatment developed by the Dartmouth Center for Evidence Based Practices, which means that our therapies for mental illness and substance abuse complement and strengthen one another, rather than contradict each other. Our mental health residential treatment facilities are amazingly serene and comfortable, providing the ideal setting for effective rehabilitation. If you're currently seeking treatment for schizophrenia, drug addiction or any combination of mental illness and substance issues for yourself or someone you love, we encourage you to explore our site( for more details. For further information, please contact us at 1-800-889-7871.
Have a question or comment for a guest? Call 866-472-5792 during the show.
Dr Benarroche is a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He did his residency in psychiatry at the University of Rochester, N.Y and subsequently completed a fellowship in Psychiatry at Yale University. Dr. Benarroche was a faculty member at Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry for nine years where he was Director of the Transitional Unit at the Yale Psychiatric Institute and Director of one of the outpatient divisions of the Connecticut Mental Health Center.
He is a Board Certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, teaching, and research experience. He has been the Medical Director of Lifeskills of Boca Raton for the past ten years. He is also involved in clinical medication trials and has a busy extensive outpatient practice in Boca Raton since 1987.
He is also psychiatric consultant for the Florida Atlantic and Lynn University Counseling Centers and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Mary is the CEO of WestBridge Community Services. She is also a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor with more than 25 years experience in substance abuse services and community mental health programs. Mary has conducted extensive workshops and trainings with a primary focus in Motivational Interviewing, Stages of Change Theory and Integrated Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders. She is also a contributor to the development of the Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Practitioners and Clinical Supervisors Workbook and Practice Demonstration Video. Mary was the Chairperson of the NH State Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professionals. She has been a member of the NH Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor’s Association since 1984, and has served as the Northeast Regional Vice President for the NAADAC, the Association of Addiction Professionals, President of NAADAC and is currently past president of NAADAC.
WestBridge specializes in helping and treating those that simultaneously suffer from mental illnesses and substance abuse problems. We employ integrated dual diagnosis treatment developed by the Dartmouth Center for Evidence Based Practices, which means that our therapies for mental illness and substance abuse complement and strengthen one another, rather than contradict each other. Our mental health residential treatment facilities are amazingly serene and comfortable, providing the ideal setting for effective rehabilitation. If you're currently seeking treatment for schizophrenia, drug addiction or any combination of mental illness and substance issues for yourself or someone you love, we encourage you to explore our site( for more details. For further information, please contact us at 1-800-889-7871.
WestBridge Community Services
Gavin Cherry
Gavin Cherry
