Law Firm Marketing Solutions Shows Up Again with an Educational Webcast Intended to Help Law Firms Market During an Economic Decline

Some law firms approached this recession with a wait and see game plan. Now those same firms are wanting to take control, but have to make up ground from that waiting period. Haste has often resulted in regrettable decisions. Any lawyer will be better equipped to make the best decisions on how to market their firms after watching this educational webcast.

Chapel Hill, NC, March 08, 2009 --( People still need legal representation during a recession. The challenge is not all clients are in a financial position to pay for the services. This means that there are fewer viable clients available. The good news is that most law firms reduce their marketing spend at the first sign of a slowing economy. Less clients that can pay, but less firms competing for them. Tough times make and break law firms. If you are to emerge the other side faster and stronger than your competitors, your decisions today are critical. Law Firm Marketing Solutions offers free resource to learn what's working (or not working) for other firms. You can view the law firm marketing webcast to hear more about successful strategies being deployed by firms across the nation.

Topics discussed include law firm website development, lawyer SEO, online videos, online press releases, online directories and tracking ROI.

Law Firm Marketing Solutions
David Knott