Small Business Owners Can Now Learn Online Marketing Skills from the Comfort of Their Home or Office
Business owners whose websites aren't bringing them the results they'd hoped for can now learn how to make the most of their online resources through a new seminar being offered by Colorado Springs' online marketing specialists, Jes C. Productions.
Colorado Springs, CO, March 11, 2009 --( A decade ago, internet marketing was a thing of the future, reserved for teenage entrepreneurs and bored shysters. Today, even the wealthiest corporations are utilising the power of the internet to boost their companies marketing budgets. Now, major corporations everywhere are using online marketing to harness the incredible wealth building power of online advertising. Small businesses are finally starting to understand that they can bring in bigger profits while using less of their marketing and advertising budgets, all by having an online presence.
Now, small business owners whose websites aren't performing as well as they could be can learn the exact techniques used by large internet marketing corporations to boost their rankings in the search engines, and gain wider exposure for their companies. Jes C. Productions, an online marketing company based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is offering a two-hour, online seminar entitled Advanced Website Marketing on Friday the 20th of March, 2009.
In the Advanced Website Marketing seminar, attendees will be shown the exact steps they need to take in order to fully optimise their websites for local and national searches (a process known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation), as well as how to gain better rankings for their businesses through off-site SEO. Also covered in the two-hour presentation will be various online marketing methods which not only help companies boost their search engine rankings, but will also give them more powerful and cost-effective exposure than traditional methods of advertising.
The two-hour online marketing seminar has been set up to allow business owners and their webmasters to attend via their own computers, either at their office or in the comfort of their own homes. All that will be required for business owners to attend is a computer with high-speed internet access. The seminar will run from 1 to 3 pm, MST on March 20.
In addition to being able to view the seminar from their personal computer, Jes C. Productions is also offering recorded and written resources to attendees which will be sent via USPS after the seminar. These materials can be used as reference materials for business owners who wish to make the changes to their sites themselves; as well as for training materials for their in-house marketing departments and webmasters. The cost of these additional materials is included in the registration fee for the seminar.
Interested business owners can learn more and register for the Advanced Website Marketing seminar on the Jes C. Productions website at; or by calling (719) 487-4819.
Now, small business owners whose websites aren't performing as well as they could be can learn the exact techniques used by large internet marketing corporations to boost their rankings in the search engines, and gain wider exposure for their companies. Jes C. Productions, an online marketing company based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is offering a two-hour, online seminar entitled Advanced Website Marketing on Friday the 20th of March, 2009.
In the Advanced Website Marketing seminar, attendees will be shown the exact steps they need to take in order to fully optimise their websites for local and national searches (a process known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation), as well as how to gain better rankings for their businesses through off-site SEO. Also covered in the two-hour presentation will be various online marketing methods which not only help companies boost their search engine rankings, but will also give them more powerful and cost-effective exposure than traditional methods of advertising.
The two-hour online marketing seminar has been set up to allow business owners and their webmasters to attend via their own computers, either at their office or in the comfort of their own homes. All that will be required for business owners to attend is a computer with high-speed internet access. The seminar will run from 1 to 3 pm, MST on March 20.
In addition to being able to view the seminar from their personal computer, Jes C. Productions is also offering recorded and written resources to attendees which will be sent via USPS after the seminar. These materials can be used as reference materials for business owners who wish to make the changes to their sites themselves; as well as for training materials for their in-house marketing departments and webmasters. The cost of these additional materials is included in the registration fee for the seminar.
Interested business owners can learn more and register for the Advanced Website Marketing seminar on the Jes C. Productions website at; or by calling (719) 487-4819.
Jes C. Productions
Jes Coolbaugh
(719) 487-4819
Jes Coolbaugh
(719) 487-4819
