Publisher Lets Customers Pay What They Want for Books

Technology allows for greater freedom and marketing ideas in the publishing world.

San Diego, CA, March 11, 2009 --( In a harsh economic climate and a technical paradigm shift, Code Publishing has turned to technology to help create buzz and sales for its latest book, “Everyone Agrees.” With a dynamic promotional website (, Code Publishing lets customers choose the price they want to pay for either the paperback hard copy or electronic version (E-book).

“We think the book is a monumental product and just want people to read it,” Code Publishing Director of Marketing Jenny Langley said, “so we lowered all the obstacles we could think of that are keeping readers from it, most notably the price.”

The idea isn’t without precedence; the rock band Radiohead released their 2007 album “In Rainbows” in a similar fashion online. Langley believes that the customer-chooses format could spread in popularity as publishers realize the benefits. “While customers have the option to pay nothing, the average price paid for the book was just under $9.

Code Publishing is a small provider of self-help and philosophy books based in San Diego, CA. Previously released books by Code include “The Evolution Diet” and “How to Take Advantage of the People Who Are Trying to Take Advantage of You.”

Code Publishing
Joseph Morse