2 Science Fiction Plot Boilers Available for Free at scriptboiler.blogspot.com

Creative Writer Ugur Akinci posts new movie plot ideas every day.

Washington, DC, July 13, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Have "writer's block"? Thinking about your next block buster Hollywood project? Think no more! Free script plots to the rescue. Creative writer Ugur Akinci has just posted two more free sci-fi plot boilers at his unique blog, http://scriptboiler.blogspot.com today.

WHO IS KIM? Starts with Kim and Shawna, two very upbeat door-to-door cosmetic saleswoman who die in an unexpected car accident in the middle of nowhere in Utah. Their bodies are discovered a few hours later by the State Police and taken to the City Morgue. In the Second Act we have a national security emergency in our hands…

ELECTING ALIENS… Three months to critical Presidential elections in four major Western countries. The campaign has been a blast, with all four candidates promising to work together on a common platform and increase economic and military cooperation among their countries. But are they who they seem to be?

Ugur Akinci is available for all your copywriting and script doctoring needs. Send him an e-mail today at writer111@gmail.com or visit his official copywriting web site www.writer111.com

Visit http://scriptboiler.blogspot.com today

Script Boiler
Ugur Akinci