Kinky Noir: Author Breaking Out with BDSM Erotica Series for African Americans

Atlanta, GA, March 11, 2009 --( African-American author Shakir Rashaan breaks into the literary world with his debut novel which encompasses the eroticism of BDSM and publishing it on, the online marketplace for digital content. Mr. Rashaan took the opportunity to write his 250-plus page erotica novel “Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld: The Awakening” while using his downtime between work and his college studies at the University of Phoenix-Online. The novel focuses on a rather taboo subject: BDSM (Bondage/Discipline/Sado-masochism) from the point of view of an African-American couple that is active within the BDSM community in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mr. Rashaan says “A few years ago when I first started writing this type of material, I probably would have struggled to find a publisher to enable me to create this book. Thanks to Lulu, I am now proud to have helped create Kemi-Ka Publishing, LLC and to become one of its first published authors.”

Although the book is entitled “Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld: The Awakening”, giving it an obvious afro-centric feel, there are characters within this burgeoning series that are of other races as well.

Shakir Rashaan is 35 years old, is a full time college student and works from home as a service consultant. He lives in suburban Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and two children. His book can be found on the following site:

Contact Information:

Shakir Rashaan, Author
Kemi-Ka Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 1489
Fairburn, GA 30213

Kemi-Ka Publishing, LLC
Shakir Rashaan
404 444 7493