New Distinctive Roth 401k Plan for Small Business Owners or Sole Proprietors
With the stock market taking a beating, now more than ever small business owners and sole proprietors need an innovative alternative for retirement savings. A new website and a unique Roth 401k product fill the void left by conventional products.
San Antonio, TX, March 13, 2009 --( The stock market is near a 12 year low and has dragged many a small business owner through the mud. What option is there for those who need to save for retirement after so many people have seen their retirement plan balances plummet? Retirement savers can find a new approach at The site offers an uncommon grouping of services and a different kind of Roth 401k plan.
The Your Roth401k Company has developed a business model that includes a self-directed Roth 401k, mentoring by an investment coach, mortgage acceleration software, real estate investments and non-traditional investments. This is one of the few models of its kind. This new approach holds great promise for those small business owners and sole proprietors who are desperately looking for more promising retirement instruments.
The unique component of this new website is the educational information it provides visitors and the combination of financial services that are brought together under one domain. Using mortgage acceleration software, the Your Roth401k Company web site shows visitors how to pay their homes off sooner, utilize those funds for retirement savings and take advantage of alternative investments based on demographic trends and depressed real estate prices.
The service offers users five hours of free business and real estate mentoring by a certified business coach. The firm’s principal has provided real estate mentoring to thousands of students across the country, working with the leading investment names in the business.
Small business owners and sole proprietors who are frustrated with stock-market-centric retirement plans should visit the YourRoth401k website today. In addition to loads of useful information about retirement plans, mortgage information and the benefits of mentoring, the site offers easy enrollment in the firm’s unique Roth 401k plan. It also explains the simple steps for completing a rollover of your existing IRA or 401k funds.
About Corbin-Marcus & Co. dba Your Roth401k Company
Corbin Marcus was developed by investment seminar speaker and business coach Keith Minchew who saw a need for an alternative approach to retirement saving for millions of frustrated investors. Minchew took his own experience speaking before thousands of investors and teamed up with advisors and attorneys to design a system that would help retirement investors find an alternative approach that put the investor in control.
The company utilizes the benefits of the Roth 401k plan and matches it to the cash-flow benefits of mortgage acceleration software and saving in non-traditional investments. They marry this approach to investment coaching, creating a total solution.
The product offers those who want to rollover their existing 401k plan a self-directed vehicle with more flexibility and more creative investment alternatives.
The Your Roth401k Company has developed a business model that includes a self-directed Roth 401k, mentoring by an investment coach, mortgage acceleration software, real estate investments and non-traditional investments. This is one of the few models of its kind. This new approach holds great promise for those small business owners and sole proprietors who are desperately looking for more promising retirement instruments.
The unique component of this new website is the educational information it provides visitors and the combination of financial services that are brought together under one domain. Using mortgage acceleration software, the Your Roth401k Company web site shows visitors how to pay their homes off sooner, utilize those funds for retirement savings and take advantage of alternative investments based on demographic trends and depressed real estate prices.
The service offers users five hours of free business and real estate mentoring by a certified business coach. The firm’s principal has provided real estate mentoring to thousands of students across the country, working with the leading investment names in the business.
Small business owners and sole proprietors who are frustrated with stock-market-centric retirement plans should visit the YourRoth401k website today. In addition to loads of useful information about retirement plans, mortgage information and the benefits of mentoring, the site offers easy enrollment in the firm’s unique Roth 401k plan. It also explains the simple steps for completing a rollover of your existing IRA or 401k funds.
About Corbin-Marcus & Co. dba Your Roth401k Company
Corbin Marcus was developed by investment seminar speaker and business coach Keith Minchew who saw a need for an alternative approach to retirement saving for millions of frustrated investors. Minchew took his own experience speaking before thousands of investors and teamed up with advisors and attorneys to design a system that would help retirement investors find an alternative approach that put the investor in control.
The company utilizes the benefits of the Roth 401k plan and matches it to the cash-flow benefits of mortgage acceleration software and saving in non-traditional investments. They marry this approach to investment coaching, creating a total solution.
The product offers those who want to rollover their existing 401k plan a self-directed vehicle with more flexibility and more creative investment alternatives.
Your Roth401k Company
Keith Minchew
Keith Minchew