Renco Direct Announces Massive Sales Force Increase

Oklahoma City, OK, March 14, 2009 --( Renco Direct will announce today the additional opportunity for 10,000 new sales representatives to add to Renco's growing sales force. Renco is actively recruiting experienced and inexperienced individuals looking for job opportunities. In the time of a slowing economy and ever growing job loss number, Renco wants to add thousands of new careers.

Renco, which primary products include health care programs and health and beauty products similar to Avon or Herbalife announces today an immediate opportunity for new sales people looking for job opportunity to start with Renco. Interested parties need only to visit and sign up to become a representative with Renco.

Renco has announced unbelievable steps to help out of work individuals. Renco CEO Ren Schuffman stated "because so many good qualified people are out of work, we feel it is necessary of Renco to do all it can to help rebuild as many of these lives as possible as quickly as possible, that’s why starting today Renco announced that unlike most business opportunity Renco will not be charging one red cent for anyone wanting to work and start there own business with Renco, in addition Renco will provide ever new rep with there very own customized website to sell and market from, including full training and dozens of tools, Renco will take everyone willing through "school" and educate them on successful marketing and sales without charging them or demanding any restrictions or quotas. In times or hardship it is the moral obligation for good companies to do the right thing. Making money by charging rep fees like companies other top representative and network marketing based companies is predatorial. Making money on the backs of people’s dreams of simply trying to provide an income for their families is immoral and wrong, so Renco is dedicated to helping each rep achieve financial independence on our dime."

Renco stated that in addition to launching a massive addition to its sales force it has complete redesigned its website in order to provide each new sales person with a unique site in order to help them to achieve in a down turned economy. In a time when other companies are scaling back and laying workers off, Renco is posed to grow by 300% in 2009. Leading innovation in sales recruiting and in sales technology will help Renco to meet their ambitious demand.

Visit them and read out their products here

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Renco Direct Inc
Ren Schuffman