Copyright Registry Benefits ASMP Members

The Copyright Registry will provide free upgraded participation for members of the The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP).

New York, NY, March 14, 2009 --( The Copyright Registry has announced that it will provide free upgraded participation in the registry for members in good standing of the The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP). ASMP members can use The Copyright Registry at to display their contact information, to link each image to its official registration at the U.S. Copyright Office, and to connect potential licensors to the e-commerce or licensing process of the photographer or their agent for each image. The registry also locates online uses of duplicates of each photographer’s images.

With a single click of a browser bookmark, The Copyright Registry enables users to find the copyright owner of images and other content from any web site, regardless of language. This is useful for publishers and other users who want to do a reasonable search for the copyright owner of content. The Copyright Registry reduces the risk that a photograph might be mistaken for an “orphaned work”, which is a creative work for which the creator or copyright holder might be unknown or known, but who cannot be located. By using The Copyright Registry to find owners of images that are thought to be orphaned, users create sales leads for creators and owners who have identified their copyright claim in The Copyright Registry.

At, photographers can also add the Veripixel copyright notice to their images, a visible mark that announces that an image is copyrighted and enables a link to information in The Copyright Registry.

This free upgrade for ASMP members, which includes the ability to prevent changes by locking records and to access bulk user functions, can be initiated from within the members only login area at Founded in 1944, ASMP is the leader in promoting photographers' rights, providing education in better business practices, producing business publications for photographers, and helping to connect purchasers with professional photographers. ASMP has 39 chapters across the country and more than 7,000 members, including many of the world's foremost photographers.

The Copyright Registry launched its beta web site in 2008 in anticipation of passage of an Orphan Works Act by the U.S. Congress. The registry provides easy public access to ownership claims by creators and rights holders of specific creative works, as well as general advocacy and education on the importance of copyright.

About The Copyright Registry

The Copyright Registry at, a service of New York based, Inc., is the link that connects creators and users by making it easy to find content owners and the online uses of their content. “The Copyright Registry” and “Veripixel” are trademarks of, Inc.. For more information, contact the team at The Copyright Registry at (212) 929-6965.

The Copyright Registry
Randy Taylor
212 929 6965