NJ and PA Land Title Associations Join Forces for Convention

In a year of extreme cutbacks across the real estate and financial services industries, PA and NJ's land title associations have joined forces to ensure that their members can continue their professional development and strengthen their networks at their first joint annual convention ever.

King of Prussia, PA, March 17, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Pennsylvania and New Jersey Land Title Associations Join Forces for 2009 Conventions.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and two of the leading US land title associations have taken an inventive approach to presenting their annual conventions in 2009. For the first time, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Land Title Associations (NJLTA and PLTA) will join forces for a united convention, scheduled for May 31 through June 3 in Colonial Williamsburg, VA.

“Like everyone else, our title agents, underwriters and attorneys are looking to maximize value in all their business activities,” said NJLTA President Kevin Cairns. “Joining forces for this convention means that PLTA and NJLTA can continue to offer superb educational sessions, networking and social events, and leisure opportunities for attendees and their families.”

Pricing of both the convention registration package and of accommodations at the superb Williamsburg Lodge will be comparable to recent conventions of both Associations. In addition to traditional events like the icebreaker reception, Annual Awards Banquet and golf tournament, the convention will offer four Continuing Education (NJ and PA CE) credits for title insurance agents and four Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for Pennsylvania attorneys. Information and registration is available at www.plta.org and www.njlta.org.

Founded in 1921, PLTA is one of the nation’s oldest and largest state title associations. PLTA members are represented regionally across Pennsylvania by its Southwestern, Northwestern, Central, South Central, Southeastern, Lehigh Valley and Northeastern chapters.

The New Jersey Land Title Association is an advocacy group advancing the common interest of all those engaged in the field of evidencing title to real property and protecting the public interest in the maintenance and integrity of the recording system. The Association consists of title insurance underwriters, a title agency section, affiliate members, and honorary members.

Contact: Chris Reynolds, Reynolds Ink, 610-566-1960 and chris@reynoldsink.com

Pennsylvania Land Title Association
Pam Croke