Lion Share Capital, LLC Agrees to Terms of Equity Participation with Barbarian Rugby

Wichita, KS, March 20, 2009 --( Lion Share Capital, LLC, a Private Equity Group, has released information regarding its equity relationship with Barbarian Rugby, Inc.

Mark Nordyke, Lion Share’s Director of Business Development said “as a life-long fan and participant in various sports, I am excited at the opportunity to partner with the Barbarian Group. We believe that their business model and the underlying product is something that the American sports consumer is hungry for”.

William Tatham, principal shareholder of Barbarian Rugby said “Partnering with Lion Share Capital brings the necessary financial strength to enable us to maximize our opportunities both here and abroad. More important, the geometric synergy, personal integrity and financial commitment Lion Share’s individual partners bring to the table creates the “strategic partnership” which our innovative sports venture deserved and demanded.”

Lion Share currently has portfolio projects as well as corporate partners and affiliates across the US as well as Central and South America, Spain, England, Eastern Africa and Asia. As the company prepares to issue a debt offering and raise (2) new funds in the first half of 2009, it believes that creating an equity relationship with Barbarian adds more of the ‘Global Variety’ that has become Lion Share’s hallmark.

Barbarian Sports
Ben Corbett