SEO Seattle – Continues to Support Contrarian SEO Tactics

SEO Seattle has uploaded a video on to that clearly points out their true feelings and position regarding technologies that are still today the corner stone of the SEO world and the direct competition.

Seattle, WA, March 21, 2009 --( To those of us located in the city of Seattle and that have spent any time at all interviewing SEO companies, there is one company SEO Seattle that easily and quickly stands out from the rest. SEO Seattle makes no secret of the fact that they continue to support the use of landing pages. SEO Seattle also continues to capture targeted keyword searches by focusing on Search Engine Optimization of third party sites including and David S. Freid spokesman and SEO for the “virtual company” SEO Seattle shares the secret is in where and how the links are set. Mr. Freid also added that there are less than twenty sites that are relied upon in the linking strategy which may never show up in linking tools (a tool common to professional SEO’s that shows who on the internet is linking to a particular page or site). Mr. Freid also added that their mix of these sites includes several pages with zero or 1 page rank from Google. (Page ranking is a system developed by Google used to rate a page and its importance. Google has documented page rank plays an important part in how a page will rank on their search engine). The news of the day is that SEO Seattle has uploaded a video on to that clearly points out their true feelings and position regarding technologies that are still today the corner stone of the SEO world and the direct competition. The video while interesting and informative is a slap on the face to many considering themselves professional SEO’s. Mr. Freid points out that there is little time for promoting SEO Seattle that the current need is to catch up on projects. Mr. Freid added that there may be other videos in the near future with the same flavor of informal delivery. If you are interested in viewing the video you may find it at the following link. There is absolutely nothing common about SEO Seattle. Mr Freid admits that they are not for hire. He made it a strong point of the discussion that his client pays certain online media costs at the exact same amount should they have placed their own listings. SEO Seattle receives monetary benefit like that of many advertising agencies who rely on commissions paid from media chosen to deliver a clients message and more importantly to those connected with SEO Seattle that offer mutual benefit to everyone concerned with the success of the online campaign. Mr. Freid carefully pointed out that payment for service is prohibited by his employer. (A fortune 100 company) He added that no guarantees or contract with SEO Seattle is possible and that references like those of SEO Seattle that there is no need for that type of paper. Mr. Freid closed the interview explaining that “The virtual company SEO Seattle is a hobby for which he chooses to use for the benefit of others.”

SEO Seattle
David S. Freid