Judas Iscariot: Traitor or Hero? Firsthand Account Reveals What Really Happened

Published decades before the highly-publicized discovery of the lost Gospel of Judas, and its revelation that Jesus asked Judas to betray him, The Flight of the Feathered Serpent by Armando Cosani correlates precisely with it. Newly translated, it brings to light new and remarkable spiritual teachings by giving a firsthand account of what really happened in those critical events that shaped human history.

San Francisco, CA, March 22, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Ancient Discovery
In 2006 National Geographic’s release of the first English translation of an ancient text dated to the 2nd century AD, shook Christianity and the perception of the world’s most famous villain – it was The Gospel of Judas. Amidst religious controversy, it revealed that Judas was asked secretly by Jesus to betray him, and in doing so, fulfilled a divine role and plan.

“But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.”
- Jesus to Judas, The Gospel of Judas

Secret Teachings

First published more than 50 years prior to The Gospel of Judas, but correlating with it precisely, a little known book has brought to light secret teachings thought to belong to Judas Iscariot. Newly translated, The Flight of the Feathered Serpent is the true story of journalist Armando Cosani in the Second World War. His life changes inexplicably after he meets with a mysterious man, who leaves him with a series of profound writings – one being Judas’ firsthand account of the events leading up to the betrayal, which incredibly, reveal Judas as Jesus’ closest disciple.

“Judas, beloved of my heart, what you have seen, keep it quiet, for my hour has not yet arrived. And it is necessary that destiny is fulfilled, and you will help me in it.”
- Jesus, The Flight of the Feathered Serpent

What unfolds is one of the great spiritual books of any age, which imparts deep teachings that resonate with the Canonical and Gnostic Gospels. From the mysteries of Jesus’ life and his teachings, to the awakening and salvation of the individual, it is a book imbued with a rare wisdom found only in the most revered of sacred texts. But what is its origin? Could these be the teachings of Judas Iscariot and his account of his relationship with Jesus? Could this be Judas’ attempt to clear his own name, in a miraculous effort to change the world’s perceptions and help humanity in its spiritual quest?

“It deserves to be ranked among the great spiritual classics of all time.”
- Belsebuub, Spiritual teacher and author

“Judas do not be afraid,” he said to me. “You will also accompany me and you will help me in the path of regeneration so that others are saved too.”
- Jesus, The Flight of the Feathered Serpent

In 1953 Armando Cosani, upon his friend’s request, published in the Spanish language the writings that make up The Flight of the Feathered Serpent. Published in English by Absolute Publishing Press.

Absolute Publishing Press
Patricia Atkinson