Worldcheaper: Into Charities All Over the World

Worldcheaper have decided to donate $5 to a worthy charity for every air ticket bought at They’re doing this because they care, because they love, because they hope for a better tomorrow for all man.

San Francisco, CA, March 24, 2009 --( The world today is a seething maelstrom of poverty and anarchy. Everyday, one encounters something that talks of the suffering of the world. A television documentary on children dying of hunger in Sudan, a billboard showing a blind little boy trying to make his way in the world, a photograph of a little girl wearing a scarf over her face, beseeching eyes peeping out of the dirty face, a report of an earthquake in China, a newspaper piece showing a homeless family with glue bottles stuck to their noses, pathetically wondering why they were ever born.

This is what is going on. This is what is happening right here, and yet, many people have no clue about it. Whilst most folks stay at home and worry about their jobs in the global economic recession, a girl gets raped in South Africa, a child dies of hunger, a power-hungry politician lines his pockets with tax-payers money, a bird dies, never to fly free again, and a war-torn country tries yet another way to heal itself.

And while all this is happening, where are the ones who can make it all come to an end? Sitting right here, wondering where it all went wrong. Wondering why they’re the lucky ones who have never gone hungry for even one meal. Wondering whether they could have survived in the same situation. Wondering whether they can help out in some tiny way that would somehow stop all this suffering. Here’s the good news. They can.

There are a myriad of charities and non-profit organizations that are bent on changing the fate of the world. These charities work in different fields and different capacities. Some reduce the plight of children all over the world, some work to alleviate poverty, some provide relief in emergency situations, some labor to conserve the environment for the good of the children, some build awareness of HIV and some simply exist to make life worth living.

Operation Smile makes a child who has a hare-lip smile perfectly, with both his eyes and his soul. UNICEF protects children in the developing world from abuse, ensures that they get a good education, helps countries in times of need, offers medical aid to children and works to alleviate poverty through education. Oxfam America works to reduce the levels of poverty, injustice and hunger. It saves lives.

The Red Cross is one of the biggest relief organizations in the world, providing humanitarian aid to the victims of war and other natural disasters. A Glimmer of Hope works to have Integrated Development in Africa. Women for Women International works to enable women in war-torn countries stand on their feet.

These charities and foundations are focused to provide the best they can. And yet, the best can never be enough, without the resources to back their operations. This is where Worldcheaper’s clients, as a people, come in. Many people sit back and hear of other people donating large sums of money to charities and organizations, but don’t bother to make any small donations to aid these causes, simply because they think that their contributions are too small to count. This isn’t true. One American dollar can feed a child for a whole day. One Sterling pound can build a small thatched hut for the victims of an earthquake. All it takes is a bit of love and a bit of humanity.

This is why Worldcheaper has decided to donate $5 to a worthy charity for every air ticket bought at The team at Worldcheaper simply believe in doing what they need to do, if there is to be any hope for a better tomorrow for all man. Every month, Worldcheaper will be donating the funds to a worthy charity that is truly helping the plight of the sufferers in the world. The clients’ recommendations will be take n into consideration, and the ones that would benefit the most from these funds will be chosen. It is the hope of everyone at Worldcheaper that everyone who cares will help them in this endeavor. The contributions made will further the goal of a future free of poverty and suffering for every man.

Worldcheaper is an organization that works towards making the dreams of its clients come true, through cheaper travel. With Worldcheaper, their clients get to enjoy the good things in life at smaller costs. With Worldcheaper, the world becomes a brighter place, because it is filled with life, love and hope.

Igor Vishnevskiy