Macquarie Telecom Calls on the Government to Ensure Data Centres Prove Environmental Credentials

Sydney, Australia, March 26, 2009 --( Macquarie Telecom today called on the Federal Government to ensure its data centre strategy, planned in response to the Gershon data centre recommendations, includes clear, environmental standards for individual data centres to be measured against.

Speaking in response to Federal Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Lindsay Tanner’s speech to the Australian Computer Society’s branch conference last week, Aidan Tudehope, Managing Director, Hosting at Macquarie Telecom, welcomed plans for a focus on energy use in the whole of government ICT sustainability plan being developed in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, however wanted to see the plans go far enough to ensure genuine energy savings.

“Only a clear and, most importantly, standardised approach to measuring data centre green credentials will bring an end to the current spate of ‘green cloaking’ by certain players in our industry,” said Tudehope.

“This is a worrying trend whereby vendors are dressing their solutions up as environmentally friendly with claims such as being 50 per cent more energy efficient than any other data centre, without credible evidence to substantiate these claims,” he said.

According to Tudehope, the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) data centre strategy should consider an energy rating system similar to the star rating system used in the consumer electronics industry to ensure government data centres meet minimum criteria for energy efficiency. In addition, such systems should mandate continual improvement to foster ongoing investment in the most energy efficient equipment and operational practices.

“There are strict security standards and operational standards demanded by government agencies such as ISO27001, that ensure vendor claims are matched by reality. Why should energy efficiency standards be any different?” Tudehope said.

“With similar initiatives getting underway in Europe and the United States, Australia has the opportunity to take another environmental leadership position with this strategy,” he said.

Macquarie Telecom’s Experience:

Macquarie Telecom is a leading supplier of Information and Communications Technology solutions including voice, mobile, data and hosting for the business and government markets. Its dedicated managed hosting and security facility, the Intellicentre, is certified to the highest levels including ISO 27001 and DSD Gateway security standards, and hosts a number of critical key Commonwealth data services including services for Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Finance, the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts and the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.


About Macquarie Hosting

Macquarie Hosting is the Australian leader in providing mission critical application hosting for business.

It is responsible for managing and delivering the guaranteed service levels, scalable, ‘always-on’ and secure solutions that online, digital media and high-availability transaction-based companies need to meet demand for their services.

Macquarie Hosting’s purpose is to help its customers focus on growing their business, instead of focusing on the day-to-day operations of their IT infrastructure.

Macquarie Hosting’s managed services are delivered through its managed hosting and security facility, the Intellicentre.

The Intellicentre is the most highly certified data centre in Australia. Certifications include ISO 27001, ASIO T4 and DSD Gateway. This helps organisations confidently address security concerns associated with corporate governance, privacy regulations and audit requirements such as Sarbanes-Oxley.

Macquarie Hosting delivers these ‘always-on’, secure managed services by:

· Supporting customers with named dedicated account teams delivering personal and accountable service
· Delivering premium online management tools offering real-time information and transparency into all hosting solutions
· Drawing on its extensive team of experienced engineers, with a wide and deep range of skills
· Leveraging its scale and business model to deliver all managed services at a lower TCO for customers
· Remaining professional, flexible and innovative at all times
· Becoming a part of the customer’s IT Support Team, not simply a supplier

Macquarie Hosting currently manages critical applications for companies including PBL Media, News Limited,, WebJet and one of the world’s fastest growing social networking sites Habbo Hotel.

Macquarie Hosting is a division of ASX-listed Macquarie Telecom, a leading Australian and Asia Pacific supplier of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions – including voice, data, mobile and hosting. The business has experienced strong annual growth over the past 15 years.
Macquarie Telecom
Kate Hines
02 92132311