‘Green’ Business is Good Business

In their ongoing Technology series, MCCC’s Technology Committee sponsored another interactive Roundtable Event this past March 24th at the County College of Morris (www.ccm.edu) in Randolph, NJ.

Colonia, NJ, March 29, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The event (http://tinyurl.com/cadxlm) started with keynote speaker, Bill Russell, founder and CEO of SKN Worldwide, and a subsequent 4-member panel discussion covering today’s ‘Green’ technologies for the SMB space.

Mr. Bill Russell, author of The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook (www.thesustainableenterprisefieldbook.net), spoke about the reality of sustainability for small-medium sized companies and the role that technology plays. During his presentation and Q&A session, Mr. Russell discussed how companies achieved the “triple bottom line” results amongst accounting, environmental and social issues.

With Chris Connor from Long Hill Associates moderating the event, the 4-Member Panel followed Mr. Russell’s Q&A session with a diversified discussion covering Social Media Networking (Dan Beldowicz, Single Throw), Green Hardware (Daniel Furrey, Woodbridge Data), On-Line Training (Karen Flaherty, Knowledge Anywhere), and Knowledge Management (Jim Schlott, impressM, LLC)

The attendance for the event (60+) was double from their Fall Roundtable and just as warmly received. For more details, please refer to the Chamber’s website (www.morrischamber.org).

About the 4 Panelists

Daniel P. Furrey: ‘Green’ Hardware
Mr. Furrey is a Senior Vice President at Woodbridge Data (www.woodbridgedata.com) in Colonia, NJ. Woodbridge Data is Managed Services Provider working closely with NJ business owners who are interested in their cost effective Business Solutions. Prior to joining Woodbridge Data, Mr. Furrey worked in IT Operations and Maintenance before transitioning his career to managing Business/Technology Projects with budgets up to $80M for such companies as Morgan Stanley, IBM, Bear Stearns, JPMorgan/Chase and Thomson Reuters.

Dan Beldowicz: Social Media Networking
As a Marketing Consultant for Single Throw Internet Marketing (www.singlethrow.com) in Wall, NJ, Mr. Beldowicz helps companies attract new customers and generate new business through use of the Internet and Social Media. Additionally, Dan is the Vice President of Marketing for the NJ Chapter of the Business Marketing Association and sits on the Board of Directors for the Somerset County Business Partnership.

Jim Schlott: Knowledge Management
As a principle at impressM Websites (www.impressM.com), he helps customers leverage their websites to market their company, save time, money, and enhance communication. impressM designs, develops, builds, maintains and hosts content managed (CMS) websites. In addition to their great looking websites, impressM has developed numerous hosted applications including; document repositories, club management, dance studio eCommerce class registration, complex program/class scheduling and more.

Karen Flaherty: Cost-Effective Information Sharing
Karen joined the company (www.knowledgeanywhere.com) as the Northeast business development manager in October of 2007. Flaherty brings more than 10 years experience in the consultative solution sales and healthcare sectors. Her industry experience spans technology consulting and healthcare management of business programs in major corporations. Prior to Knowledge Anywhere, Flaherty was a Sales Representative with Easy i, a division of SAI Global, an international online training company. She was responsible for sales of online courses with corporate risk and compliance communications emphasis.

Media Contact:
Ms. Allison Harrington
(732) 669-0601 x 1502

Woodbridge Data
Allison Harrington