Mom Claims USA Now Bilingual Nation - Creates Book to Help Toddler Son Learn Spanish

Los Angeles, CA, April 03, 2009 --( In spite of protests and controversy, the USA is now, in fact, a bilingual nation… and it is time we prepare our children for success in this new national reality. Or so claims Southern California based author and mom Kay Linda Nord, who has penned the new bilingual children’s primer “Tim and Kim” to help other parents teach their young children to read and speak both English and Mexican Spanish.

“Many people are offended by what I have to say,” says the American born Nord, who holds both US and Mexican citizenship. “But the reality is that Spanish is the primary language for a large and increasing segment of our population.” As proof, Nord cites the growing implementation of Spanish/English bilingual notations on packaging, product instructions and in retail stores even in areas hundreds of miles from the US border with Mexico. “I think we really fail our kids if we do not begin the process of preparing them now.”

Nord acknowledges that her strong views are offensive to some, however she claims that bilingual education at an early age is a great way to enhance young people’s verbal communication skills. “Starting at two years old is not too young,” insists Nord, who proudly indicates that her own 18 month old son speaks both English and Mexican Spanish equally well. “I created the educational primer Tim and Kim to give other parents a valuable tool to help their kids get ahead of the language game. The time to start this process is now. So-called English only is no longer our national reality.”

To schedule a press interview with Kay Linda Nord, please contact Michael David McGuire at (323) 656-3000.

Michael David McGuire
(323) 656-3000