New Solutions for Organizations in Hard Times

Olympia, WA, April 04, 2009 --( Nonprofit Solutions NW is proud to announce the formation of a new subsidiary, SolutionsNOW! Consulting. SolutionsNOW! consultants, a network of independent top local business and management professionals, believe that their collaboration demonstrates how efficiency in planning, careful analysis, and thoughtful partnership alignment can achieve better results than doing it all alone.

“We understand that businesses in all sectors are suffering right now, but one of the issues that brought us together is a concern for our not-for-profit clients in the tough economy,” notes Suzann Stahl, NonProfit Solutions President.
With collective experience that spans several decades and past economic downturns, SolutionsNOW! consultants help community benefit organizations, for-profit businesses and public and private agencies to find ways to lower overhead costs and improve service delivery. “From experience, we know that executives are so busy managing day-to-day operations that they often don’t have an opportunity to take a look at where they are and strategize about where they want to be,” Stahl said. Some needs could be met with collaborative partnerships or even mergers. Part of the challenge of partnering or merging,” adds Stahl, “is to to insure one’s own organizational core purposes and values are maintained.”

About SolutionsNOW! Consulting

“We’re excited by the caliber of consultants eager to collaborate in this venture and we’re continuing to grow our network,” said Stahl. Sherry Jennings of Sound Governance and Donna Doerer of Donna Doerer Consulting are two of the founding network members. Both stated that shared values among the consultants were central to forming SolutionsNOW! Doerer, who provides grant consulting, said, “We all believe in the power of association. We have seen first-hand how communities benefit from arts, education, and resources for at-risk children and youth.” Jennings, who is a governance expert, added, “And, especially in difficult times, communities cannot afford to lose no- or low-cost critical services -- food, housing, medical services -- provided by community benefit agencies.” SolutionsNOW! consultants will help businesses take a step back in this difficult environment, clearly assess their needs, and develop strategies for the future.

Independent consultants interested in learning more about or joining the SolutionsNOW! Consulting group are invited to view the website,, call 360.352.0060 or send an email to

Press Contact:

Suzann Stahl

SolutionsNOW! Consulting
Suzann Stahl
1824 Black Lake Blvd. SW #101
Olympia, WA 98512