National Conference on Holistic Addiction Treatment, April 17-19, 2009 in Sacramento, California at the Hilton Arden Hotel

A National Conference on Holistic Addiction Treatment bringing together top clinicians in the country who have successfully treated alcohol and drug addictions as well as mental health conditions with targeted nutritional supplements.

Sacramento, CA, April 04, 2009 --( Brain Repair for Addictive Disorders: Cost-Effective, Successful, Drug-Free Therapies, A National Conference on Holistic Addiction Treatment brings together top clinicians in the country who have successfully treated alcohol and drug addictions as well as mental health conditions with targeted nutritional supplements, nutritious food, acupuncture, acupressure, and other drug-free methods to correct brain chemistry.

These techniques have previously been ignored even though controlled studies exist in the medical literature proving their cost effectiveness. One conference speaker, Stephen Schoenthaler, PhD, Professor of Criminal Justice at California State University, Stanislaus, in 1999 discovered $1 invested in a multivitamin-mineral for incarcerated young men reduced prison rule infractions and violence so dramatically that it returned $1,000 to the budget of the California Department of Corrections in one month.

Other nationally renown experts in addiction nutrition and mind-body integration will discuss how food addictions can be eliminated with proper supplementation, sugar as a trigger for alcoholism, group acupuncture and acupressure for post traumatic stress relief, food's influence on mental health, and over a dozen other immediately useful topics.

Speakers include Ken Blum, PhD; Hyla Cass, MD; Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD; Charles Gant, MD; Julia Ross, MA, MFT; and other national experts in holistic addiction recovery plus California's Director of Alcohol and Drug Programs, Renée Zito.

The public is invited and continuing education hours (CEU’s) are available for registered nurses, social workers,marriage-family therapists, nutritionists, licensed acupuncturists, addiction counselors, and alcohol and drug educators.

Cost for 3 days: $310 for a group of three or more. $345 for individuals. $200 for students or people in a recovery program. $175 for Friday or Saturday one day rate. Same day registration is welcome.

For more information and to register, go to the following:

Marina Roy

Community Addiction Recovery Association
Marina Roy