Kiwanis Club of Singer Island Hosts Annual "Spring Fling" for Area Foster Families

Palm Beach Gardens, FL, April 07, 2009 --( Hosting more than 200 foster kids and parents, Singer Island Kiwanis Club's "Spring Fling" was a rousing success with fun, food and arts and crafts and games for all.

"We measure our success," notes Kiwanis Club President Chet Zientek, " by both the smiles, laughs and family fun our Spring Fling generates as well as how we at the local level can support the International Kiwanis vision of 'Serving the Children of the World.'"

Kiwanis volunteers were joined by clowns, Ronald McDonald and the Adoptive Parents Association to make the annual spring fling at Lilac Park in Palm Beach Gardens , Florida a memorable event for members and their families. Supporting organizations included Publix and Cheney Brothers.

Kiwanis International's continuing service focus is called "Young Children Priority One." Under this theme, each Kiwanis club is encouraged to sponsor significant projects that serve the special needs of young children from prenatal development to age five. Kiwanis Worldwide Service Project in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund. Kiwanis has raised nearly $75 million to assist nations in eliminating iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the leading preventable cause of mental retardation in the world today.

The first Kiwanis club was chartered on January 21, 1915, in Detroit, Michigan. Today, Kiwanis has grown to number more than 8,000 clubs and nearly 300,000 members in more than 70 countries.

For Kiwanis Club of Singer Island membership and volunteer opportunities please contact: Chet Zientek at 561/309-8648 .


Contact: Brett Ferrigan
Kiwanis Club of Singer Island
Brett Ferrigan