Portland Oregon About to Become a Much Happier Place

Sensing a need for more laughter in troubled times, a local icon returns to spread a bit of sunshine.

Portland, OR, April 06, 2009 --(PR.com)-- In a place known for it’s dreary weather, Spring in Portland is always a greeted which much enthusiasm. In addition to blue skies and cherry blossoms, this season includes another bright spot. Bubbles the Clown is back after a five-year hiatus and will once again put smiles on the faces of Portland’s youngest residents.

Bubbles began entertaining in 1996, and for the following nine years, entertained at over an estimated one-thousand private and corporate events. Amy Haroldson, the face behind the pink hearts and green eyelashes, said, “At one point, I was absolutely sure that I had painted the face of every pre-schooler in the area!”

It was another Portland icon, Jim Bosley, legendary host of AM/Northwest television show, who dubbed Bubbles, “Portland’s Happiest Clown,” on a segment the clown appeared in highlighting children’s party ideas. “It was very early in my clowning career,” says Haroldson, “and Bosley helped launch it. I am very appreciative of that.”

Birthday parties became a specialty. Although gigs included high profile events for companies such as Nike, Columbia Sportwear, and Xerox, and numerous television appearances, Haroldson says it was the home birthday parties that she enjoyed most. “Birthdays are very special family occasions that often provide the most cherished memories of childhood. I always thought it was an honor to be included.”

Why the break? “My family moved to an island in the Caribbean for a while, and I focused on my job as a narrator for the Symphony when I returned.” But now that her own kids are bigger, the time is right for a return. Drew, who was two when his mom started clowning, is now a strapping fifteen-year-old high school freshman. Caroline, who is ten, will start middle school in the Fall. But Bubbles’ primary reason for once again donning the pink wig and polka-dotted pants? “It seems like a time when people could really use more laughter.”

About Bubbles the Clown:
Bubbles the Clown provides music, magic, facepainting and balloons at corporate and private events in the Portland area.

Amy Haroldson
(503 )970-9102

Bubbles the Clown
Amy Haroldson