LearnQTP Launches Web-Based QTP Training Course

LearnQTP.com, a website dedicated to HP-QTP, announced a web-based QTP (Quick Test Professional) training course aimed at helping beginners and manual software test engineers to gain knowledge on test automation using HP-QTP.

Bangalore, India, April 07, 2009 --(PR.com)-- After a successful trial run, LearnQTP.com has now launched web-based QTP training course for the public. LearnQTP.com has been helping thousands of QTP engineers across the world through the blog articles and forums over the past few years, and is now poised to expand into a more direct educative medium.

"My blog readers often enquire about good QTP training courses. The limitation with most other courses is that they cover features of the tool but don't focus as much on real-time application of concepts. LearnQTP.com's training is structured to give ample room for real-time learning." said Ankur Jain, owner of LearnQTP.com.

This course will provide students with conceptual as well as practical knowledge in QTP over a 4-day period. Each class will be of 4-5 hrs duration, including interactive stretches for clarifications/questions on QTP. Assignments will be handed out each day for the participants to work on, and will be discussed on the subsequent day.

To provide an atmosphere of interactive learning, the batch size is very limited.

The course is quite affordable with the cost being 1/6th of the cost of regular classroom courses being offered elsewhere. It is held on weekends, so participants need not take time off from work. As it is web-based, the training can be taken directly from the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world.

For more details about the curriculum, dates, timings etc check out http://www.learnqtp.com/training/

Learn QTP
Ankur Jain