Community Service: Helping Homeowners Understand the Stimulus Refinance and Loan Modification Programs

San Diego Professionals held event to inform the public about the Make Home Affordable Refinance and Loan Modification programs.

San Diego, CA, April 08, 2009 --( In these uncertain economic times, getting accurate information is imperative. At this free event the presenters addressed questions about the Obama Administration’s Make Home Affordable program; the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit; the CA New Home Credit; the Chula Vista Neighborhood Stabilization Funds and the Bankruptcy HR 1106 bill which is making its way through the legislature. Carl Spiteri of ThompsonSpiteri, Mortgage Advisors partnered with Nikki Coppa and Jenny Maczka, Realtors® of CA Prudential Realty to offer this free course to the community.

“We are committed to helping the members of our community by giving them information about these new programs. We want homeowners to know there are resources to help them make these important financial decisions,” says Spiteri.

Carl Spiteri is a Mortgage Consultant and Liability Advisor serving San Diego for over 19 years. Carl is co-author of Borrow Smart, Retire Rich and an advocate of financial literacy to promote consumer protection through education. He should be considered a potential local resource to address issues impacting the housing and mortgage markets. He teaches courses on debt management, home ownership, mortgage management, credit scoring, etc. He belongs to the Lenders Who Care program, subscribing to honesty, fairness and integrity in all business transactions.

Spiteri can be reached at 619.544.6444 or by email at

ThompsonSpiteri Mortgage Advisors
Anamarie Lamme