Social Media Helps Beat Back Dark Economic Times

Early 2009 Sol Solutions set out to find and share the success stories that weren’t making the headlines. Not only was an international hunger for these stories discovered but social media would play a key role in reaching thousands of professionals every week.

Toronto, Canada, April 08, 2009 --( In January of 2009 Andrew Ballenthin, President of Marketing Consultancy Sol Solutions, came to a clear decision, "we can either wallow in the bad news that dominates the mainstream media or some of us can take a stand and look for stories about companies that are defying headlines and thriving". Within 90 days Sol Solutions created a model that enabled them to access and learn from over 600,000 international professional on By incorporating online groups discussions, their blog and twitter they were able to request business success stories and strategic advice on what companies were doing to generate growth: findings were then presented back to LinkedIn and twitter readers via their blog.

Response to the advice on how to beat the bad economy using social media and real testimonials from companies that are presently growing took their blog from only 100 page visits per month in December 2008 to a peak of over 8,000+ page visits in their best week by the end of March 2009.

The Wall Street Journal This Morning was the first mass media outlet in North America to catch on to what Sol Solutions was doing and aired an interview on March 26th. Gina Cervetti, Radio News Anchor/Production Associate, confirmed future interviews for social media and business success stories would continue due to the insight Sol Solutions was providing. A murmur of other media outlets are catching wind of what Sol Solutions is doing and booking interviews to urgently get the good news out to their audiences.

"Professionals from every sized company and readers from over 30 countries have been to our blog. In several cases social media ‘how-to’ articles have taken on a life of their own resulting in over 3,500 page visits in as little as 48 hours without a dollar spent in advertising", says Andrew.

There are two major themes that emerge from the business success stories and strategies posted on the Community Marketing Blog. The first is, ‘go back to basics’. Companies that have gone back to their customers and worked with them, made face to face contact and genuinely listened to what their customers wanted have found new ways to help clients beat tough times. The second major theme is, ‘reinvent yourself’.

By reaching a larger audience, using new technology, dramatically changing billing approaches (and lots more) a number of companies are finding genuine growth and beating back the bite of hard times.

International markets have been in dire turmoil over the past six months as they rally to good news and then plummet as devastating layoffs and losses flood the media. And yet the average unemployment rate is within the 10% range across the G20 reminding us that 9 out 10 people in most rooms we walk into still have an income which means there must be businesses that are stable or growing, doesn’t it?

Andrew Ballenthin is volunteering his company’s time for what he coins an "Anti-Recession Movement". There is no monetary payback for the social media pioneering or sharing of success stories. This is one of the darkest periods in modern history and if there is one (among many) things modern leadership teaches us, it is that by taking a stand for a just cause, regardless of the odds, any adversity can eventually be overcome by inspired people working together.

Sol Solutions
Andrew Ballenthin