The Green Dictionary Premiere Pre-Release - in Time for Earth Day
The Green Dictionary is the premiere resource for helping you to “learn to speak green.” From A to Z, The Green Dictionary defines the many concepts and terms of the green movement and the growing green economy in quick and accessible language. With over 150 must know “green words,” The Green Dictionary is an invaluable addition to your library.
Signal Hill, CA, April 08, 2009 --( Environmental Issues, Eco Resources and Definitions Featured in The Green Dictionary
Dictionary Explains How to ‘Speak Green’ About Environmental Issues Like Climate Change, Pollution and Energy
In honor of Earth Day, April 22, EcoKnowledge is offering to consumers The Green Dictionary, a guide to environmental terminology and core issues like global warming, resource depletion and conservation that affect everyone on our planet. It is only available as a pre-release online book for a limited time.
How many people really know what a ‘green building’ is, or what the words ‘fair trade’ mean on products? The Green Dictionary explains these terms and many others. With over 150 must-know words and concepts, it is one of the most comprehensive environmental books on the market today.
Decisions are being made right now in Washington and around the world about environmental concerns. The Green Dictionary clearly defines terms like eco-systems, SFI, greenwashing, green economy and energy performance ratings, so that readers can understand and intelligently discuss these topics, in addition to making smart buying decisions. The Green Dictionary will empower everyone who reads it to make educated decisions and take action on the environmental issues facing the world, their community and their home.
The instantly downloadable copy of The Green Dictionary is being offered at for just $19.95, a 30 percent saving from the bookstore price. In addition, buyers will receive, as a free bonus, copies of Living Green, with tips on how to live an eco-friendly life, and Go Green, with lessons on how to save money and protect the environment at the same time. That’s $54.90 in free gifts.
EcoKnowledge is a green-conscience company that provides innovative educational resources and products.
Editors: For the cover image of The Green Dictionary, please go to:
Aletheia International Inc.
Dictionary Explains How to ‘Speak Green’ About Environmental Issues Like Climate Change, Pollution and Energy
In honor of Earth Day, April 22, EcoKnowledge is offering to consumers The Green Dictionary, a guide to environmental terminology and core issues like global warming, resource depletion and conservation that affect everyone on our planet. It is only available as a pre-release online book for a limited time.
How many people really know what a ‘green building’ is, or what the words ‘fair trade’ mean on products? The Green Dictionary explains these terms and many others. With over 150 must-know words and concepts, it is one of the most comprehensive environmental books on the market today.
Decisions are being made right now in Washington and around the world about environmental concerns. The Green Dictionary clearly defines terms like eco-systems, SFI, greenwashing, green economy and energy performance ratings, so that readers can understand and intelligently discuss these topics, in addition to making smart buying decisions. The Green Dictionary will empower everyone who reads it to make educated decisions and take action on the environmental issues facing the world, their community and their home.
The instantly downloadable copy of The Green Dictionary is being offered at for just $19.95, a 30 percent saving from the bookstore price. In addition, buyers will receive, as a free bonus, copies of Living Green, with tips on how to live an eco-friendly life, and Go Green, with lessons on how to save money and protect the environment at the same time. That’s $54.90 in free gifts.
EcoKnowledge is a green-conscience company that provides innovative educational resources and products.
Editors: For the cover image of The Green Dictionary, please go to:
Aletheia International Inc.
TK Herrin
TK Herrin
