Church of the Earth Sponsors Central NC Pagan Pride Day 2009

For the 4th year in a row, the Church of the Earth of Raleigh, NC has become a Sponsor for the annual Central NC Pagan Pride Day festival.

Raleigh, NC, April 10, 2009 --( "The goals of the [Central NC Pagan Pride Day] festival are right inline with the precepts of the Church of the Earth, to provide support, understanding, and education to those of alternative beliefs and to the community in general. So it seems obvious that we should be deeply involved", said Johnson Davis, a council member at the Church of the Earth. In addition to the Sponsorship donation, the Church of the Earth plans to host an information booth at the event this year, and many of the staff and volunteers for the festival come from their membership.

Church of the Earth
The Church of the Earth of NC is a local gathering place in Raleigh NC for followers of the Earth Religions. We follow redes and tenets created by a merging of Wicca, Celtic Druidism, Kabballah, and Native American Shamanism. At the Church of the Earth we practice and guide others in Earth based religions. Our worship style is designed for the individual to learn what is out there so they can choose the beliefs that fit their true self. We follow a minimum of dogma, but strive to maintain the spirituality that is usually lost in organized religions.

The Church of the Earth is located in Raleigh, NC. Find them on the web at or call +1-800-979-4423 for more information.

Central NC Pagan Pride Project
The Central NC Pagan Pride Project is a chapter of the international Pagan Pride Project, a non-profit organization whose mission is to foster pride in Pagan identity, and to eliminate prejudice and discrimination based on religious beliefs, all through education, activism, charity and community.

Their most important activity is hosting their autumnal celebration, the Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival. Open to the general public, this festival offers a day of both entertainment and education in the form of a large variety of social, commercial and spiritual activities. Attendees are welcome to join or observe rituals, attend workshops, meet with a variety of local groups, and much more, all in a festival environment full of vendors, music, and fun.

The Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival 2009 is at the NC State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC, on September 19th and 20th. Find them on the web at

Central NC Pagan Pride Day Festival
Michelle Basnett