Free Inspection of Web Presence Through Web Host Butler

Its all about the new hosting tracking software Web Host Butler is going to launch pretty soon.

San Jose, CA, April 12, 2009 --( - In the internet business foremost mania that can affect a lot is the downtime. Unavailability of website costs very high for web businesses as the economy is about growth and the growth is about availability of opportunity. Missed opportunities may cause loss of thousands of dollars an hour due to the suffered sales. It’s always been unpredictable to quantify the business lost by downtime of a website.

Numbers of cheap web hosting providers today propose 99% up time for your website. If you want to switch to some batter up time web host provider you must be aware of the whole matter anyway. A month contains 720 hours and 99% of up time means about 712.8 hours approximately. Can you afford your site for seven hours a month? Does your hosting provider have any backup plan for up time? These are the facts that you have to be aware of especially when your online business is generating a good business everyday. Due to that said most of the companies having reasonable online business prefer to keep internet operators under control by developing their own infrastructure, appoint highly qualified and experienced staff to handle the situation. However every organization can’t afford such an expensive method to keep business online as its cost can increase up to $ 20,000 per year even the equipment cost haven’t been included yet.

Only the method to know about up time is to keep monitoring service provider’s up time reports. This job can be better performed by a third party to ensure your money is spent on a good place or not and your business is running smoothly or not. These monitoring reports generated by a third party are beneficial for all cheap web hosting providers, business web hosting providers and for those who want to know about web hosting reviews for different web hosting companies. The reason behind it is that it reduces the burden of technical support of web hosting providers.

Ultimately Web Host Butler is going to launch ultimate solution of the web up time issues; company is launching specific software along with their hosting packages which will automatically inform their customer about their online status 24/7. In this way it will be much easier for to track their hosting results. Moreover business and cheap web hosting packages will be helpful for customers not in case of quality services also in cheap rates. So time is not far away when customers don’t need to go for third party monitoring service for inspection of web hosting services.

Web Host Butler
Eric Johnson