eXcelKID Launches Its Operation on Easter Sunday That Will Open Doors for Children Around the World to Advance in Today's Competitive Environment

eXcelKID, independent marketing company whose mission is to help each child reach his or her greatest potential by fostering academic and personal growth using leading-edge technology, education and financial resources to provide a better future for today’s younger generation. eXcelKID markets Kid's College, an educational software, to help kids improve their Math & Reading skills. www.eXcelKID.COM

Dallas, TX, April 13, 2009 --(PR.com)-- eXcelKID Chairman & CEO, Richard Johnson, believes that, "this relationship with Kid's College, an educational software to help kids improve their Math & Reading skills, will revolutionize the way kids learn in the future! Our marketing concepts will help reach out to so many children all over the world in a shorter period of time!"

eXcelKID formed an agreement with a US-Based educational software company, Learning Through Sports, to be the Exclusive Distributor of Kid's College to Individual Users in Asia, Canada and the United States*. Kid's College is one of the most unique web-based software available to students that uses sports video games as a motivational tool to help students improve their math and reading/language arts skils. (*Certain territories)

Richard Johnson
214 810 7986