Magnetic Image, Inc. Finds Great Success Using Apace Tools, working in conjunction with Apace Systems, inc., receives confidence, satisfaction and compliments from customer Chris Blair of Magnetic Images, inc.

Newport Beach, CA, April 15, 2009 --(, a branch of 32 year old systems integrator IEEI, digital storage specialist and exclusive Apace Systems Gold Channel Partner, announces the success and satisfaction of one of our customers; Magnetic Image, Inc. of Evansville Indiana.

Vice President and Creative Director Chris Blair has chosen not only to relate his satisfaction to and Apace Systems, Inc., but also wrote a very detailed overview of his experience for, a peer to peer support community for media professionals. In his posting on “The Cow,” Chris highlighted his experience by stating, “They ( and Apace) spent hours before the sale answering our questions, both by email and in phone conferences. They're responses were almost immediate. After the sale, they likewise spent several hours helping us set the system up...and again responses were nearly immediate when we needed help.”

Magnetic Image, Inc. a busy audio and video production house with clients large and small needed a simple way to share media and collaborate on video projects. After researching “a bunch of options, including EditShare, various SAN solutions, Studio Network Solutions, ISCSI appliances, AoE solutions, as well as build it yourself solutions coupled with SAN/LAN software,” they decided to go with the Apace vStor. Not only has it met their needs but it has exceeded their expectations. In hris notes that “Drive performance benchmark software puts the sustained data rate on the vStor at about 80MB/sec, which is a little higher than Apace told us to expect, and this varies slightly from edit system to edit system. But our actual editing performance has somehow exceeded this benchmark, which goes to show you can't just measure performance based on data rates.” is proud of the relationship it has built with its customers by helping them solve problems, be more efficient / productive and ultimately tell the best stories possible. Satisfaction with Apace Systems tools can possible be summed up best by this quote from Chris Blair… “It's working as advertised. Once we got it setup correctly, it's been pretty much transparent. We get the same performance from it among 4 edit stations that we were getting with direct attached U160 and U320 SCSI arrays in each suite. The guys at Apace spent hours on the phone and using Go to Meeting to help us set it up right. We're even putting our audio files onto it on a separate volume from the video files. We consulted with Apace before we did that and they seemed to think it wouldn't cause any performance problems...and it hasn't.”

About Magnetic Image, Inc. Magnetic Image has decades of experience in media design, production and placement. The company’s partners --- Chris Blair, David Jones and Chuck Fields --- have written, produced, photographed, designed and edited thousands of video, audio, multi-media, print and specialty projects while building a reputation for great customer service.

Based in Evansville, IN, their audio and video work includes TV & radio commercials, corporate videos for marketing and training, capital campaign videos, documentaries, and specialty audio-video for use on the web.

They have helped clients large and small conceptualize, develop and implement wide-ranging advertising plans, from initial logo design to highly targeted media campaigns.

About Apace Systems Corporation Apace Systems is a managed network storage systems manufacturer located in Orange California, USA. Apace leverages its system expertise in system hardware and software to streamline media workflow and serve their clientele that is made up, but not limited to, postproduction, broadcast, special effects, rendering farms, animation, gaming and more.

About is a branch of IEEI, A 32 year old California corporation, located in Newport Beach, is in its 7th year as a digital storage supplier to the rich media industry. Companies worldwide are working with to get the latest in tested, reliable video/graphic/data management solutions like the Apace vStor and eStor. Dennis Bress, President and CEO of is proud to be a Gold Channel partner to Apace systems and says “our relationship with the rich media community puts us in a key position to hear what the actual end users of this technology need. We then feed this information back to Apace who has the h/w and s/w engineering teams that design and build the solutions.”

Summer Bailey
Dennis Bress: