Former Hiring Manager Helps the Recently Unemployed Get Back in the Game Full-Day Workshops to be Held in Orlando

Winter Park, April 23rd 2009. Workshop for recently unemployed, new to the job market and/or people looking for a career in today's saturated job market. Designed to help people understand what goes on in the interviewers mind and help them to get hired and increase their odds of being hired.

Orlando, FL, April 16, 2009 --( Dalton Hooper spent most of his last several career years sitting on the “other” side of the interview table -- the side where the interviewer sits. You know; the one who held your future in his hands; the one whose presence made you nervous and dry-mouthed; the one whose mind you would have given anything to have been able to read.

Now, a few Central Floridians will at last learn what will most likely be going through the heads of their next interviewers, because they will spend seven intense hours listening to, and picking the brain of, a former hiring manager first. Dalton Hooper is bringing a series of one-day, hands-on job-search skills workshops to the Orlando area.

Dalton Hooper leading a workshop in Tampa

“In today’s job market, it’s all about playing the odds,” says Hooper. “Being the candidate who is ultimately selected for a position is nearly always more than a simple checklist of who has the most relevant skills and experience. There are literally dozens of little-used strategies that candidates can leverage to give themselves an edge over their competition. Let’s face it, if there was only one open position available, it doesn’t matter how much ahead of the others the winning candidate was – it only matters that they were ahead! Every little odd you put in your favor can make the difference between coming in first or not.”

Hooper goes on to say, “Recently, while going through some old papers, I came across a 30-year-old résumé. I was amazed at how much the style and content was no longer appropriate for today’s environment. The résumé included information like marital status, number of children, and date of birth. Not only are those items no longer relevant to the hiring decision, they are illegal in most cases!” Hooper adds that, “Most all of us can easily recognize the evolution in résumé standards from 30 years ago; but how many of us are aware of the changes from five years ago? If you haven’t been on the market for awhile and suddenly find yourself back in the competition, you had better be up to date on the latest job searching techniques.”

Dalton Hooper titles his workshop, An Unexpected Detour: How to Re-Enter Today’s Job Market to Win.

“I understand that the people enrolling in this workshop are probably experiencing a sudden drop in their income and need to be very discerning as far as what they spend their money on. I have crammed as much information into these seven hours as possible and have priced it as low as possible. In order to maximize our time together, I have even included lunch and a continental breakfast, so we can work while eating.”

The next workshop will be held at the Winter Park Civic Center on April 23, 2009, beginning at 8:30 a.m. To register or to obtain more information about this and future workshops, interested persons should visit

Words and Wit LLC
Dalton Hooper
Dalton Hooper