Launch of the Body and Soul Weight Loss Program

The Body and Soul Weight Loss Program is more about the causes and less about the effects of being overweight. As such weight loss is more likely permanent.

Chelmsford, United Kingdom, April 16, 2009 --( Colin Winston Aldridge has successfully helped many clients to lose weight and reach their target weight. Before publishing the Body and Soul Weight Loss Program Colin ran his own weight loss studio offering all the elements that form this Work on a 1 to 1 basis or in group workshops. His approach has always been highly personalized. Running a weight loss program was an aside to his main calling of hypnotherapy, spiritual and energy healing.

Now with the publication of the successful method he has developed he can help you too without you having to make a visit to his home in Essex, UK. If you do want to visit his hourly rate can be viewed on

The Work misses nothing out and to make sure of this he asked his friend, artist Marini Widowati to fully illustrate the Work with a massive 70 full color illustrations. The combination of easy to follow content, 70 ilustrations and 9, yes 9 professionally recorded hypnotherapy meditations make this the world's most phenominal and successful weight management Program.

This Work offers a very professional and yet highly practical approach. Weight loss is like a miserable spiral of failure / success / failure for most people; many people go on restrictive dieting programs for a few weeks or months, have trouble following the program, and eventually gain back any weight they may have lost. Fad and crash diets do not work long term.

It is only when you sort out the emotional factors of your life will weight loss remain with you to give you the weight and shape you wish.

Colin Winston's program breaks the mould. He will work with you almost as if you are in a one-on-one session thanks to the 9 smooth meditations that he recorded to go with this Program.

Following the week over week easy to follow content you will quickly determine the underlying causes that are making it difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off.

This includes testing your body to determine which foods and supplements suit you best.

You are free to eat as much food as your body tells you is 'good for you'. This will lessen over time. You wont be left starning or craving food and drinks you do not need in the first place. With this Program it is near impossible to feel hungry. Blood sugars will stabalize and your energy will soar. If your underlying bodily systems and your emotional self are stressed and not working properly, you will never lose any weight no matter what diet program you go on. Colin's work will help bring your body, mind continuum to optimal functioning.

Colin's plan will help with the changes that are necessary to help your body properly digest foods and eliminate toxins including those toxic thoughts that keep you suppressed and in an unhappy state. All these lifestyle changes will allow you to lose weight effectively in the shortest amount of time, and then keep it weight off.

You will learn and use proper techniques that will allow you to lose weight fast. A Program such as this does not require you to starve yourself. Dieting and not eating are often associated together. You will quickly find this does not need to be so!

Colin will dispel the many weight loss myths that are often the problems behind many people not being able to lose weight. Time to clear out the old black and white thinking, move away from a 'diet' mentality. Time to give your body the fuel it needs from eating the right foods that allow you to live a high energy and Happy lifestyle.

Get on the right path to Happiness from within and losing weight and keeping the weight off for good just follows on!

Colin Winston Aldridge
I am an author, therapist and healer and not a LLC or similar