Author of New Wall Street Journal Bestseller, "The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide," Donates All Royalties to Campaign to End Child Homelessness
Jupiter, FL, April 22, 2009 --( Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D, president of Weiss Research, Inc. and author of the new Wall Street Journal bestseller, "The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide," is donating all of his book royalties to the Campaign to End Child Homelessness, sponsored by the National Center on Family Homelessness. Dr. Weiss presented the first donation ($100,000) to Dr. Ellen Bassuk, MD, president of the Center and author of America's Youngest Outcasts, in a ceremony held at Weiss Research's Florida headquarters on Friday.
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D, president of Weiss Research, Inc. and author of the new Wall Street Journal bestseller, "The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide," is donating all of his book royalties to the Campaign to End Child Homelessness, sponsored by the National Center on Family Homelessness. Dr. Weiss presented the first donation ($100,000) to Dr. Ellen Bassuk, MD, president of the Center and author of America's Youngest Outcasts, in a ceremony held at Weiss Research's Florida headquarters on Friday.
"This donation is an integral aspect of our national grassroots campaign to Protect the People -- Not the Banks!" commented Dr. Weiss. "We feel the government's ongoing attempts to bail out failed financial institutions, such as AIG and Citigroup, are counterproductive in more ways than one. The bailouts not only reward high-risk speculation while punishing prudent investing, but they also divert precious resources desperately needed by the most innocent victims of the housing crisis."
Dr. Bassuk added: "Even before the housing market collapse, one in 50 American children were homeless each year. Today, with millions of Americans losing their homes in foreclosures, there are certainly many more children on the edge of economic survival. We deeply appreciate Dr. Weiss' generous contribution to our Campaign to End Child Homelessness."
Dr. Weiss' book, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times (Wiley, April 2009, 978-0-470-39377-2, $27.95),provides clear, step-by-step instructions to all Americans on:
How to sell your home if you want to, or keep it if you don't
How to protect your home from further losses
How to find a truly safe bank or insurer
How to build a substantial cash nest egg and keep it absolutely safe
What to do with your 401k, IRA or savings for your child's education
The telltale signs will tip you off to a bottom in home prices, stocks and bonds
When to lock in safe, high yields on your money for years to come
Where to find the most promising profit opportunities in a recovery
Meanwhile, the Campaign to End Child Homelessness seeks to:
Strengthen local efforts to end child homelessness with direct assistance to states and communities;
Improve program design and service delivery to meet the unique needs of homeless children and their families; and
Increase public awareness of the scope and impact of homelessness on children.
Dr. Bassuk concludes: "Our Campaign to End Child Homelessness and Martin Weiss' new book share a common theme--by taking action now, we can come through to see a brighter day."
About Martin D. Weiss
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D., founder and president of Weiss Research, Inc., is a nationally recognized expert on banking and insurance company solvency. With more than 35 years of experience, Dr. Weiss has helped empower millions of investors to make better financial decisions through his monthly Safe Money Report and daily Money and Markets.
Dr. Weiss, along with Weiss Research analyst Mike Larson, specifically named nearly all of the major institutions that have suffered a financial failure in this crisis. Weiss predicted the demise of Bear Stearns 102 days prior to its failure, Lehman Brothers (182 days prior), Fannie Mae (eight years prior), and Citigroup (110 days prior).
About The National Center on Family Homelessness
The National Center on Family Homelessness, founded in 1988, is the nation's foremost authority on family homelessness, and the only national organization dedicated solely to helping homeless families. Its Campaign to End Child Homelessness has already generated a strong positive response by the public, the national media, Congress and the White House. The Campaign's legacy will be that all homeless children will receive the homes, opportunities, and support that they deserve as America's youngest and most vulnerable citizens. For more information, visit or
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D, president of Weiss Research, Inc. and author of the new Wall Street Journal bestseller, "The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide," is donating all of his book royalties to the Campaign to End Child Homelessness, sponsored by the National Center on Family Homelessness. Dr. Weiss presented the first donation ($100,000) to Dr. Ellen Bassuk, MD, president of the Center and author of America's Youngest Outcasts, in a ceremony held at Weiss Research's Florida headquarters on Friday.
"This donation is an integral aspect of our national grassroots campaign to Protect the People -- Not the Banks!" commented Dr. Weiss. "We feel the government's ongoing attempts to bail out failed financial institutions, such as AIG and Citigroup, are counterproductive in more ways than one. The bailouts not only reward high-risk speculation while punishing prudent investing, but they also divert precious resources desperately needed by the most innocent victims of the housing crisis."
Dr. Bassuk added: "Even before the housing market collapse, one in 50 American children were homeless each year. Today, with millions of Americans losing their homes in foreclosures, there are certainly many more children on the edge of economic survival. We deeply appreciate Dr. Weiss' generous contribution to our Campaign to End Child Homelessness."
Dr. Weiss' book, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times (Wiley, April 2009, 978-0-470-39377-2, $27.95),provides clear, step-by-step instructions to all Americans on:
How to sell your home if you want to, or keep it if you don't
How to protect your home from further losses
How to find a truly safe bank or insurer
How to build a substantial cash nest egg and keep it absolutely safe
What to do with your 401k, IRA or savings for your child's education
The telltale signs will tip you off to a bottom in home prices, stocks and bonds
When to lock in safe, high yields on your money for years to come
Where to find the most promising profit opportunities in a recovery
Meanwhile, the Campaign to End Child Homelessness seeks to:
Strengthen local efforts to end child homelessness with direct assistance to states and communities;
Improve program design and service delivery to meet the unique needs of homeless children and their families; and
Increase public awareness of the scope and impact of homelessness on children.
Dr. Bassuk concludes: "Our Campaign to End Child Homelessness and Martin Weiss' new book share a common theme--by taking action now, we can come through to see a brighter day."
About Martin D. Weiss
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D., founder and president of Weiss Research, Inc., is a nationally recognized expert on banking and insurance company solvency. With more than 35 years of experience, Dr. Weiss has helped empower millions of investors to make better financial decisions through his monthly Safe Money Report and daily Money and Markets.
Dr. Weiss, along with Weiss Research analyst Mike Larson, specifically named nearly all of the major institutions that have suffered a financial failure in this crisis. Weiss predicted the demise of Bear Stearns 102 days prior to its failure, Lehman Brothers (182 days prior), Fannie Mae (eight years prior), and Citigroup (110 days prior).
About The National Center on Family Homelessness
The National Center on Family Homelessness, founded in 1988, is the nation's foremost authority on family homelessness, and the only national organization dedicated solely to helping homeless families. Its Campaign to End Child Homelessness has already generated a strong positive response by the public, the national media, Congress and the White House. The Campaign's legacy will be that all homeless children will receive the homes, opportunities, and support that they deserve as America's youngest and most vulnerable citizens. For more information, visit or
Weiss Research, Inc.
Andrea Baumwald
Andrea Baumwald
