Environment Website with a Twist Planet Tingle Launches on Earth Day

PlanetTingle.com is not your usual environment website. Members act in coordinated effort creating greater impact at once. Results are then posted on the site.

Richmond, VA, April 23, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Created by Environmentalists Billy Surf and Jennifer Martin, free website PlanetTingle.com multiplies the efforts of those who care about the planet.

A monthly email sent to members includes an action plan for that month. Members perform the action(s) and check them off at the site. The collective results will be posted including carbon foot print data and a graph showing real time progress. With a membership goal of 100,000 by January 1st, 2010, each single action is multiplied by the member base. The website is unlike others as it calls its members to act in a coordinated monthly effort to make changes that better the planet. Example actions may include adjusting the thermostat on your air conditioner, eliminating all paper bills in favor of online statements or writing your congressman about a pressing environmental issue. All actions, big and small, are amplified when all members participate together.

Planet Tingle LLC
Billy Surf