Postrock Capital Management Celebrates Its 1st Anniversary

PCM made returns 20.44% in 2008, and now has reduced the initial capital investment level in order to offer more people access to the alternative investment world.

Chicago, IL, April 24, 2009 --( Kevin Meyer, Brad Bauman and Drew Axsom the managing partners at Postrock Capital Management are celebrating their 1 year anniversary. To celebrate, the partners are offering a reduction in initial capital investment from 50,000 to 10,000 for a limited time.

Postrock Capital an alternative investment firm that has posted a rock-solidreturn in 2008 of 20.44% and already chalked up a 2.29% return in the 1st quarter of ‘09. PCM seeks to offer such capital reduction to provide investors the ability to see the benefits of managed futures first hand. CEO Kevin Meyer states, “Managed Futures are the emerging investment vehicle to all investors looking for more diversification. The average investor’s portfolio has been destroyed over the past 8 months; and now is a great time to investigate for an investment vehicle that can make you money in all economic conditions.”

Postrock’s partners continually focus on developing a niche product within the Live Cattle and Grain futures products, on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor. This principal focus, allows for our traders to cultivate and maintain an expertise understanding of all information that has been derived from Postrock’s vertical data chain. This vertical data chain will help to provide our traders with an edge that can help drive future returns.

Based upon Modern Portfolio Theory, managed futures should not accumulate more than a 10% overall placement of your entire portfolio. But the benefits to such an investment i.e. No redemption window, account transparency, access to cash, and combined leverage makes Postrock Capital Management your solution to your portfolio needs.

Harvard Professor Dr. John Lintner conducted a study that has proven that an alternative investment such as managed futures has great overall benefits to an individual’s portfolio. His study states, “ Portfolios . . . including judicious investments . . . in leveraged managed futures accounts show substantially less risk at every possible level of expected return than portfolios of stocks (or stocks and bonds) alone.”

For any information regarding Postrock Capital please contact the following.

Zech Decker, Director of Public Relations
Postrock Capital Management

Postrock Capital Management
Zech Decker