’s Earth Day Launch - Their Goal: One Million Dollars Each to Good Causes and American Families in 2009

A New company launches a new business model - 1/3 of all revenue goes to good causes of its clients, 1/3 goes to its resellers - affording viable working opportunities to anyone who wants them.

Eugene, OR, April 24, 2009 --( Beginning a new era in business models by redefining Social Responsibility, is providing a revenue stream for hard working American families while giving back to the community. Instead of a few executives taking large salaries while draining the life savings of the American people, has created a way to spread the revenue to the people who need it most. Since all businesses need website hosting, realized that they can build a service that provides high quality hosting and still budget generous revenue, sharing 33.3% with hard-working resellers and still give an unprecedented 33.3% of sales to good causes. There is no charge to be a listed good cause or to be a reseller.

What do consider worthy causes? There are many charities people support that are vital to helping all living things to live in dignity with respect. Host2help,com does not require that worthy causes that join have non-profit status. Why? Your own retirement funds or your children’s or grandchildren’s college funds may have been affected during the recent stock market troubles. Perhaps a local community has had a personal tragedy and the neighborhood pulls together to help out. can designate a trust, fundraiser, etc. The choices are endless. Charities can set themselves up as resellers, thus enlisting the community to support them or individual customers can choose any charity or cause they wish.

What makes's hosting better than the rest? First of all, takes the best possible technology and blend that with top-notch, American based technical support. Technical issues are dealt with by real people. will host your Website(s) on our lightning fast nationwide backbone. They have invested in the best available network infrastructure and have multiple gigabits of bandwidth capacity. They limit the number of sites on our servers for optimum speed.

Taking green business to the extreme, utilizes telecommuting and virtually entirely electronic communications to keep overhead and their carbon footprint phenomenally low. Instead of following corporate America’s pattern of setting up call centers overseas, has decided to instead set up a network of resellers based within the United States that need no particular qualifications. All that is needed to become a reseller is a drive to earn a living and a choice of good causes to support. Proactively working to overcome the economic difficulties of these times, determined that when a person is given the freedom to set their own working parameters, they will achieve their dreams without the stress of deadlines, sales quotas and pressure to meet targets. allows resellers to work as much or as little as they wish, and they are given 33.3% of each sale they generate – not just one time, but every single month as long as those customers remain with

Imagine becoming a reseller for Host2Help and eliminating a large part of current job related costs.'s resellers have reduced or even eliminated the following expenses: Child care, commuting (fuel, maintenance on vehicle, parking, bus, cab and train fares), dry cleaning, business attire, eating out, coffee & snacks, cosmetics, and precious time commuting. And, once a reseller has built a substantial income, the time investment in making new sales decreases, resellers can sit back and enjoy a steady income with little effort since they getting paid every single month! Imagine putting in only a few hours per week to maintain a comfortable living. That’s the American dream - being able to sit back and enjoy the rewards hard work affords.

Notes to Editors: is written in lowercase ( unless it starts a new sentence. The second ‘h’ is not capitalized.
CTO John Smart can be reached at (541) 359 8623 or at
Host2help.comLLC is based in Eugene OR.

Contact LLC
John Smart, CTO
541 393-8525