On Earth Day 3-Prime Shows Its True Colors: Green

How is your business responding to the greening of global and local markets?

North Haven, CT, April 25, 2009 --(PR.com)-- 3Prime, LLC has taken action in the past few weeks that establishes it as a pro-environmental web solution company.

Specifically, working with the number one website that sells flooring online, FloorMall.com, 3Prime has rolled out EcoCorkFlooring.com. This is indeed part of a broader green flooring campaign launched by Floor Mall in the past year. EcoCorkFlooring offers useful information and links to sites where sustainable flooring goods can be acquired.

Readers may be asking themselves how cork flooring is considered more environmental than other floor types. It is simple. Cork floor covering materials come from trees that do not have to be felled for their cork. And, the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) backs a number of cork products with their high ecologically-sensitive standards.

Cork floors are the kind of goods that will help turn the tide of blind, wasteful consumerism, into a deliberate, eco-conscious market.

In addition to their work with Floor Mall, 3Prime continues to build up its own websites, theCorkPlaza.com and theBambooPlaza.com. New articles are regularly added as developments in the sustainable flooring movement occur. For those looking to purchase green flooring but are unsure of how to approach the decision, both sites offer practical and detailed content about each product.

3Prime is also offering those companies with demonstrable environmental focus a free consultation on everything from link building services to a complete reconstruction of their website. Furthermore, as 3Prime builds up the resource sections of the array of client websites it manages, it extends its reach farther and farther into the ecologically-cognizant corporate world.

All in all, Earth Day is a particularly important day this year. The most recent poles place environmental concerns dead last, 20th in fact, on their lists for current issues. At a time when mass species extinction is transpiring, severe weather is on the rise, and close to half of the Amazon jungle has been cleared for commercial purposes – societies and individuals both need to seriously change their behavior in relation to their environs.

3Prime is doing its part – are you?

3Prime LLC
Jamie Lyman