Free Do-It-Yourself Foreclosure Prevention Guide Published to Help California as It Tops the Top 25 Foreclosure Cities

Free foreclosure prevention guide published providing a comprehensive set of options to help homeowners avoid losing their homes.

Monterey Park, CA, April 26, 2009 --(, a non-profit foreclosure prevention resource center, has published a step-by-step do-it-yourself foreclosure prevention guide ( The guide provides a comprehensive list of options for homeowners facing a foreclosure, including details on how to self administer a loan modification on a home mortgage.

A loan modification can help a homeowner permanently change one or more of the terms on the mortgage to make the monthly payments more manageable. This can include lowering the interest rate, increasing the term of the loan or adding missed payments to the loan balance.

The resources available on the website help homeowners sort through all the options available from government assistance programs, explanations on short-term solutions, and what state laws help protect homeowners from abuse.

About is a non-profit resource center assisting homeowners avoid foreclosure. The resources provide homeowners with a comparison of government assistance programs, short-term foreclosure delay tactics, step-by-step guides, and loan modification worksheets and sample documentation. The educational material covers state foreclosure laws, tax implications of a foreclosure or of any adjustment made to a mortgage, and a comprehensive list of options to avoiding foreclosure.

Pablo Oliva