Save Our Teachers Telethon Raises Enough Money to Save Thousands of Teaching Jobs in California
Cardiac Success radio show starts the Save Our Teachers telethon to support Pink Fridays from 6pm to 8pm every weekday from April 24th to May 9th, 2009. The goal is to raise enough money to keep our teachers jobs.
Sacramento, CA, April 27, 2009 --( Save Our Teachers Telethon Saves Thousands Of Teaching Jobs
Thousands of supporters flooded the capital building, April 24th, from 3PM to 5PM. More than 27,000 jobs have already been lost. To help support the cause vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system. To further assist with the effort, the Cardiac Success radio show will be starting a telethon to help raise awareness and funds to help teachers retain their jobs.
Kari Scow, the founder of Pink Friday, sets her sights on Sacramento's capital building. Pink Friday is an organization dedicated to saving our teachers job's. Kari and her followers held a rally and conducted a march to the steps of the state capital on April 24th from 3pm to 5pm. Vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system.
Brian Murphy, , created another way to help raise money to save these teachers jobs. Go to and purchase a $29 discount card filled with $1000s in discounts from all the best retailers and merchants available. The proceeds will go directly to pay the salaries of teachers. Ron Lester will be concentrating his services to Kari's cause, by holding a telethon from April 24th to May 9th, from 6pm to 8pm EST. The call in number is 347-308-8168.
Brian Murphy stated these facts:
Over 160,000 face possible lay-offs
If the vote is not a YES on MAY 19
Over 27,886 Pink Slips Already
Increase of 35% + in Class Size Last in per student spending
51% of students on Free or Reduced Lunches
over 50% of teachers have masters degrees
Teachers work more than 50 hours/week and attend additional career advancement training(at their own expense)
Teachers make 28% less than executive assistants.
Loss of Music, Art and Sports programs will be abundant.
Vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system.
Cardiac Success is a service dedicated to helping charities, businesses, and consumers come together in a mutually and financially beneficial way. Owner, Ron Lester, is dedicated to helping bolster the economy by bringing other like-minded professionals together to work toward this goal. Armed with brand strategists, business coaches, radio and video promotions, and banks, Cardiac Success is making leaps and strides toward the reconstruction of a faltering economy. The future is bright as Cardiac Success continues to gain momentum.
To help raise money to keep these teachers working, call in at 347-308-8168 from 6-8PM EST or type in @ron569 #saveourteachers via Twitter.
Ron Lester
The Cardiac Success Radio Show
Thousands of supporters flooded the capital building, April 24th, from 3PM to 5PM. More than 27,000 jobs have already been lost. To help support the cause vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system. To further assist with the effort, the Cardiac Success radio show will be starting a telethon to help raise awareness and funds to help teachers retain their jobs.
Kari Scow, the founder of Pink Friday, sets her sights on Sacramento's capital building. Pink Friday is an organization dedicated to saving our teachers job's. Kari and her followers held a rally and conducted a march to the steps of the state capital on April 24th from 3pm to 5pm. Vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system.
Brian Murphy, , created another way to help raise money to save these teachers jobs. Go to and purchase a $29 discount card filled with $1000s in discounts from all the best retailers and merchants available. The proceeds will go directly to pay the salaries of teachers. Ron Lester will be concentrating his services to Kari's cause, by holding a telethon from April 24th to May 9th, from 6pm to 8pm EST. The call in number is 347-308-8168.
Brian Murphy stated these facts:
Over 160,000 face possible lay-offs
If the vote is not a YES on MAY 19
Over 27,886 Pink Slips Already
Increase of 35% + in Class Size Last in per student spending
51% of students on Free or Reduced Lunches
over 50% of teachers have masters degrees
Teachers work more than 50 hours/week and attend additional career advancement training(at their own expense)
Teachers make 28% less than executive assistants.
Loss of Music, Art and Sports programs will be abundant.
Vote in the May 19 Special Election - YES on Propositions 1A and 1B. Passing these initiatives - which are dependent on each other - will help restore critical funding needed for our education system.
Cardiac Success is a service dedicated to helping charities, businesses, and consumers come together in a mutually and financially beneficial way. Owner, Ron Lester, is dedicated to helping bolster the economy by bringing other like-minded professionals together to work toward this goal. Armed with brand strategists, business coaches, radio and video promotions, and banks, Cardiac Success is making leaps and strides toward the reconstruction of a faltering economy. The future is bright as Cardiac Success continues to gain momentum.
To help raise money to keep these teachers working, call in at 347-308-8168 from 6-8PM EST or type in @ron569 #saveourteachers via Twitter.
Ron Lester
The Cardiac Success Radio Show
Cardiac Success
Ron Lester
Twitter ID: ron569
Skype ID: ron.lester72
Ron Lester
Twitter ID: ron569
Skype ID: ron.lester72